Chapter 5: Kate Argent

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They arrive at the animal clinic as Scott picks up Derek. Stiles Lydia, Scott and Derek run into the clinic, where Deaton is waiting. I see Scott put Derek down on the table and Deaton start to examine him.

After a few minutes of making him comfortable, Deaton says, "It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here." I walk into the clinic, making everyone turn.

"I wasn't gonna leave him." I say, shrugging and walking over to the unconscious Derek. "He'll be safe from Kate?"

"If she is alive, and she is what you say she is she won't be able to walk past that gate." Deaton says.

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia asks.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her."

"And bad for everyone else." Stiles says.

"You guys should go home. He doesn't seem to be in any danger, so maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It's a school night, and you need to start taking care of your own lives again." Deaton says.

"Someone should stay with you." Scott says.

"There is no way I'm leaving." I say as I sit in one of the chairs.

"I'll stay too." Lydia says. "My grades are fine, despite missing a few classes."

"I am so not ok with this." Stiles says.

"Guys, go." I say.

"Nope." Stiles says.

"Text us if anything happens." Scott says.

"No, still not ok with this." Stiles says. "Not going anywhere." Scott then grabs him and drags him out, "All right, just 'cause you're stronger..." They both leave the building as I walk over to Derek.

Lydia sits in a chair and eventually falls asleep. I sigh when I realize that it's just Deaton, me and an unconscious young Derek.

"How are you Izzy?" Deaton asks.

"Well, other then the fact that my alpha has changed into a younger version of himself, and my entire family is dead, I'm great."

"How are your full moons?"

"I'm fine." I say, glaring at him.

"No, you're not. I heard about the dead man in Montana. How many other people do you think heard about it. You don't have control. Scott can help--"

"No he can't. I'm stronger then he is, and if I can't control it, I could kill him. I'm not taking that chance." I say.

"If you don't listen to me, you will kill again."

"Don't you think I know that? That's why I have stayed away! I can't risk hurting them!"

"Maybe you should rest and--"

"I'm not closing my eyes until Derek is better." I say, sitting next to Lydia.

I spend the night looking at Derek, making sure he is ok.


As the sun rises, I hear Derek's heart rate increase. I walk over, and Deaton does as well. I hold his hand, as Lydia wakes up as well.

"How's he doing?" She asks.

"His heart rate is alarmingly high." Deaton says.

"He is also a lot warmer then yesterday." I say, as Lydia grabs his hand.

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