Chapter 19: Izzy's Letters

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Liam, Stiles and Hayden leave my room to figure out a plan. Hayden is the latest chimera that we have to save.

As I walk into my room, I see a letter on my bed. I walk over and turn the letter over, seeing Izzy's handwriting.

For when you have time...

I quickly rip open the letter and start to read.

Dear Scott,

I know that you think I'm lying to you, but I am just keeping you safe. Safe from guilt and sadness. After you finish reading this, I want you to keep living your life. Don't feel guilty.

I am writing this letter right after you guys went to see Dr. Valack. Something has been wrong with me ever since I turned off my humanity with Elena. I have been healing slowly, or even not at all. I haven't been able to hear well. Most of all there are the ghosts. As a Lupa, I am able to see ghosts. Specifically Kol. That's why you could see him when I was dying. I saw him all the time. He told me all his death threats and how he was going to kill everyone I knew. But that's over now.

You are probably really confused, reading this. It's not everyday that I tell you what's wrong. Over the summer, I figured out what was wrong.

I then read three words that changed my life.

Scott, I'm dying.

I close the letter and run out of the house. My mom stops me and says, "Where are you going?"

"I-I..." I am unable to speak. She takes the letter out of my clenched fist and reads it.

"Call your friends. I think you need to meet." I text everyone to meet at my house.

The first to come is Stiles, with a letter as well. Kira then comes in, along with Lydia. Malia comes and Finally Liam enters. Everyone has letters with them.

"What's wrong?" Liam says, coming in. He has a letter, but hasn't opened it.

I motion to my letter and he looks confused. "Something is wrong with Izzy..."

"Well, where is she?"

"We don't know, but I think we need to read the letters." Stiles says.

Everyone sits down and starts to read. I read the other part to mine.

Now that I have said this, please don't be consumed by guilt. You're an alpha, Scott. You have more important people to take care of. Like Liam. Take care of him.

If you are getting this letter, it means that something has happened. Something went wrong, and I wasn't able to talk to you before...

Scott, if you are getting this, it means I'm dead. I spelled letters to go to everyone. Within them, they explain what happened to me, even my death. I can't possibly write all of what happened down, especially because I don't know how I die. So I had a friend help me with a spell.

If you really want to know what happened. It's easier to show you, rather then tell you. If you place your thumb in the right circle, at the bottom, the spell will allow you to see what has been happening: my Lupa powers, the ghosts and what happened when they came back, visions, what really happened at La Iglesia, and what really happened over the summer. If you don't want to see what happened, touch the circle on the left. The letter will be gone by morning.

It's your choice. Either you want to see what happened, or you leave it alone.

I hope you are happy with your choice,

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