Chapter 2: Katherine Pierce

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"Why are we stopping!" Rebekah says angrily. 

"I am sick of listening to Top 40 Radio and I smell like leather." Elena says, bored. I get out of the car, and sigh. I look around for possible threats while Elena and Rebekah fight about staying.

"Next town!" Rebekah says.

"I said, in a minute." Elena then walks up to a red head.

"Oh, you startled me." The woman says.

"Did I?" Elena then goes to the neck.

"Katherine, what are you doing?" The woman says. Both me and Rebekah turn and Elena moves back. 

"You know me?" Elena asks.

"Of course. I know most people around prefer you to feed from the neck, but I asked you to drink from my wrist. Remember?" She shows us her wrist.

"Bitch compelled the whole town." Rebekah says.

"Girls, I think we just found Katherine." I say, smiling.

"What's my full name?" Elena asks.

"Katherine Pierce. Love the new 'do by the way."

"So how do you know Katherine?" Rebekah asks.

"How do I know who?" She asks, looking away from Elena. 

"Me. How do you know me?" Elena asks.

"Small town. Everybody know everybody."

"So everyone here knows Katherine?" Rebekah asks.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know who you are talking about."

Rebekah then chuckles. "She compelled people to forget all about her unless she was talking to them, herself."

"Clever girl." I say. "How long have we known each other?" I ask.

"It's been a while, I can't remember."

"Where do I live and work?" 

"I don't know."

"Do I have any friends?"

"You said we could all be friends with you if we kept your secret."

"What secret?" Elena asks.

"I--I don't know." 

"Well, now what are we going to do?" I ask.


We walk up to the mail man to find out that Katherine was there two minutes ago. 

"You check inside, Elena and I will check the parking lot." I say, as I start walking away. Elena pulls me behind a truck, "What the hell ar--"

"SHH!" I look over and see a woman sitting in a car. Her hair looks like Katherine's. I crouch and look to see not Katherine. I sigh, before I am pushed to the ground.

"I'm impressed." Katherine says. I look to see Elena pinned against a truck. "I never thought you would find me here. Oh well, it's a beautiful place to die." Rebekah then throws her off of Elena. 

"I couldn't agree more. You've chosen a beautiful place to die." We then take her into the diner.

We all sit down as Elena says, "Where is the cure?"

"What, no 'I'm here to avenge my annoying little brother' speech?"

"People die, we move on." I say, taking a sip of my water.

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