Chapter 10: The End of the Dead Pool

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I wake up and see Derek and Scott looking at me, pale. I sit up, pushing them away. I see I am still at the school, but the others are gone.

"What's wrong?" I ask, standing.

"Were you dreaming?" Scott asks, cautiously.

"If I was, I don't remember it."

"You said something, before you woke up." Derek says.

"You said, something about Kol and all the others. You said they were all going to come back." I furrow my eyebrows at what Scott said.

"That's not all." Derek says, making me turn. "You also said a name." He pauses and then says the name I never wanted to hear. "Silas."


"Lori! STOP!!" I hear, which makes me run even faster. I see the lights on the field come on, as I run with Kira.

"Brett? Brett what's happening?" I hear, as I run onto the field.

"Close your eyes." An arrow then flies at Brett's head, but Kira is quicker. She cuts the arrow in half.

"Run!" I say, as I stand in front of them. I take the sword Kira gave me and start to swing at the arrows flying our way. Kira starts to swing after she makes sure that the two wolves are off the field and safe.

After the first wave of arrows I yell, "Now!" We both take off into the woods, after the two wolves.


We get to the animal clinic and wait for Scott. I get Brett and his sister, Lori, comfortable. Satomi, their alpha comes with another few wolves.

I hear the front door open, and Kira runs to Scott. I turn to Satomi, and notice a figure behind her. Kol wiggles his fingers, but I ignore him as Scott comes into the room.

"Satomi, this is who I was telling you about." Kira says, coming up from behind Scott.

"I know who Scott McCall is." Satomi says, smiling at him.

Lori shifts uncomfortably, "Are we safe here?" I put my hand on her shoulder, and smile. I watch as Scott looks around the room of refugee werewolves.

"No darling, you're all gonna die." Kol says smirking.

He turns to Kira and says, "We're gonna need help."

I walk over and say, "A lot of help."

We all head over to Chris' place. After about an hour, I head out to call Elena. It goes straight to voicemail and I sigh.

"Hey El. Just wanted to say hi." I wave as Chris enters his apartment. "We need to talk. I need to know what's going on in Mystic Falls, and I'm sure you want to know what's happening here." I stop, hearing Scott scream. I listen for another second to make sure everything is ok, then get back to the phone. "I guess that's why I called, but you're probably busy with Damon or something. I want to be sisters again." I stop again as I see Braeden and Derek pull up. I put a hand over the phone and ask Derek silently, "Why are you guys here?"

"Helping with keeping you and Scott alive." Derek says. I motion to Braeden and he sighs. "She's helping with, you know, the assassins coming after you and almost everyone else in the building?"

I nod, as they walk in. "Call me back soon. Bye." I hang up, and breathe in.

"Love, you know you might be dead by tonight, right?" Kol asks.

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now