Chapter 7: The Dead Pool

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I run through the rest thinking of those I have lost. Mom, Dad, Jenna, Elena, Erica, Boyd, Elena (again), Allison, Aidan, Jeremy... The list goes on and on.

I finally stop to catch my breath, and look around. I see movement behind one of the trees. "Hello? Who is there?" I yell out.

"Just little old me." I whip my head around at the voice. My heart drops. It can't be him, he's dead. "I know what you are thinking. I'm dead right?" He turns me around to face him.


"In the flesh, sort of." He says, smirking.

"How are you here?"

"Well, Silas is going to make your friend Bonnie break the veil soon. I decided to pop in and visit my once favorite Gilbert."

"How can I see you? You're dead!"

"Lupa power, darling. You embrace your adaptable side, all that power rushes to you. You see spirits."

"Go away!" I scream. I turn to run, but he appears in front of me.

"Can't let you do that. See I am going to torment you, until I am brought back. Then the real fun will begin." He disappears with a smile.

"Izzy! What are you doing?" I hear Scott ask from behind me.

"You-you didn't- you didn't see him?" I ask, totally freaked out.

"See who? I just saw you running from the lake house, and I got worried."

"He-he wasn't here? But--"

"Izzy I think you need some sleep." Scott says, now next to me.

"Yeah, that's it." I mumble as Scott leads me back to the house. "It has to be..."


Over the weekend, we find out that Allison's name only uncovered about 1/3 of the list. About half of the people on the list were already dead. The people left are Scott for 25 million, Lydia for 20 million, Derek for 15 million, Kira for 6 million and two other people I don't know. We know that all of the money will add up to around 117 million because when Kate came, someone stole 117 million dollars from Peter. We find out that there is a code name for the distributer of all the money: The Benefactor.

All through the weekend, I have been seeing Kol everywhere. I don't let on that anything is wrong.

In Econ, I see Stiles looking through photos of the newest dead supernatural. He gets some weird idea that the killer is on the lacrosse team.

"Yeah, maybe they are. You know you can't stop all the death right?" Kol says, next to me. I ignore him. "Come on, talk a little."

I raise my hand and say, "Coach, can I go to the bathroom?" He nods, and I basically run to the bathroom.

"There we go darling. Just us." Kol says, as I splash my face with water.

"Go away." I whisper, hoping he would listen this time.

"I don't think I want to darling, It's so much fun torturing you." I look through the mirror at him smirking. "You have to live with the guilt of those you killed. That hunter girl, the ex-alpha twin, your brother--"

I break the mirror, and throw a shard at him, while screaming in frustration. He disappears and Derek catches the glass. "Oh my god, Derek. What are you even doing at school!?"

"Assessing Liam, are you ok?" he asks, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm grand." I say, turning back to the sink.

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now