Chapter 3: Back to Humanity

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I let Elena go back to Mystic Falls. I leave her to hunt for Katherine. I track her for over a week, A WEEK! I can't find that bitch anywhere!

I finally go to Mystic Falls, only to find out that Prom is tonight. I quickly call Elena.

"Hello Elena, have your dress for tonight?"

"Of course, I stole it."

"Oh, from who?"


"She is going to be pissed!"

"Yeah, I don't care."

"Well, have fun, and remember your promise to the Slavatores."

"I think they stopped, but you can never be too sure."

"Alright. Come by the motel, we can talk about Katherine." I say hanging up. 

I search for hours until I get a call from Elena.

"El, how was the prom."

"Oh it was fine." Derek says through the phone.

"Didn't expect you to call me. How's Elena? Have her lovers tricked her yet?" I ask, smiling.

"We can hear you!" I hear Damon yell.

"I know that Damon. How did you get Elena to go willingly to you?"

"Just a little vervain, no biggy." Damon says.

"You want your sister, come over. We can negotiate a trade." Stefan says.

"I don't think so. I think you are forgetting, I. Don't. Care. Do what you want with Elena. She's a big girl, have fun." I pause thinking. "Just asking, do you remember our promises to you?" Silence. "I guess you forgot. She asked you not to fix her. Expect another body soon." I say hanging up. 

I listen for someone to pass by the room, and I finally hear a heartbeat. I walk out to see a girl, walking to her room. "Hi, I'm Isabella Gilbert. What's your name?"

"Sorry, do we know each other?"

"No, but I am going to kill you." I say smiling. I extend my claws and rip her throat out. I take the body and throw it in the dumpster.

I go back to the bed, and open my computer. I look up as I hear a knock at the door. I smirk, knowing that it's probably some house cleaning lady. I open the door to see just the opposite.

Peter smirks and says, "Miss me?" He then grabs my head and knocks me out. 


I wake up groaning, and realize I am in the Slavatore boarding house. I look around and see Peter sitting in a chair and Derek, Scott and Stiles in the doorway. I groan and close my eyes.

"Why do you always have this reaction when you see me. Tsk, tsk Isabella." Peter says.

"Go away, before I rip your heart out." I say, to no one in particular.

"Sorry, protection spell, with a little help from your friend Bonnie." 

"I can still find ways to hurt you." I say, before glancing at the boys in the doorway, "Come in, let's have some fun." I can sense some boundary spell against werewolves. I then close my eyes and listen to the silence. I hear a familiar voice from downstairs. "Nice of you to come Katerina." I yell.

"Well, I couldn't resist." She says from the doorway.

"If only Tereza could see what you've become." I can sense her anger. "Do you think," I say, standing up, "That she would be proud of you? She asked you to survive, not kill innocent little boys, like my brother." She glares at me. "Well, it's good thing Klaus killed her then." Katherine rushes into the room, and pins me to the wall. "Good Katherine, let it out. Because when the anger leaves... You will be consumed with sadness!" She throws me across the room.

The New Isabella Gilbert (Sequel to TTG)- DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEWhere stories live. Discover now