Chapter 18: The Buzzing

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I get to school the next day and over hear that everyone is going to read that damn book after school, even Theo. I get a little pissed off and go home, hoping not to run into anyone.

I get home and get my letters out. I feel liquid coming from my ear, and wipe it away. I spread the letters out and get the spell Lacey left for me.

"Phesmatos transi hinc illuc." I say. "Phesmatos transi hinc illuc. Phesmatos transi hinc illuc." I repeat the phrase over and over again. I close my eyes to concentrate. I imagine the pages disappearing and going to their respective people.

I open my eyes, knowing that I did the spell. I put my hand out and steady myself. I smile, knowing I did it. Soon they will know everything.


I am sitting next to Theo in Ap Bio. Mrs. Finch is talking about invasive species when Sydney walks out of the room, handing in a drop form. Lydia rushes after her.

I start to hear a buzzing noise, but ignore it. Soon it gets too loud for me to bear. I grab my things and walk out of class. I stumble down the halls, holding my ears. I look back to see Scott and Theo race out. I rush into the bathroom and sit down. I take my hands off of my ears, and call Bonnie.

"Bonnie?" I say, feeling broken.

"Izzy? Are you ok?"

"I don't know. I hear buzzing, and..."

"Do you have your necklace?"

I reach to my neckline, about to say yes. I start to feel around, only to find that the necklace is gone. "No, no, no! Where is it? I don't know where it is..."

"Ok, go home, calm down. Try and get the buzzing to stop."

I am about to hang up but realize something. "Bonnie?"


"I-I don't see him. I-I haven't seen him in weeks."




I race home and lock the door. I back away and the buzzing is louder. I hold my ears and hold them, as if it would stop the noise.

"STOP!" I scream and the light above me bursts. I ramble away, trying to avoid the sparks. The buzzing suddenly stops and I take my hands away from my ears. I look and see the same thing as before: black blood. I stumble back a little, into the counter. I turn quickly, startled by the object.

I calm down and go to the center of the room, and look around. I then feel a burning behind my eyes and scream out. I claw at my eyes, trying to stop the pain. I see a pool of black blood coming together from liquid falling from my eyes.

I stumble over to a chair, and grip it for support. I suddenly can't stand up, and fall, hitting my head on the chair. I feel blood falling from my eyes, nose, ears and mouth. I fall, facing up to the ceiling.

I feel darkness coming towards me. I try to open my eyes, but can't. I move my head, but can't stand up.

I slowly open my eyes, but everything is blurred. I laugh a little, and close my eyes.



I walk away from the Slavatore Boarding house with a smile on my face. I get to my house, and get to my room and giggle. Nothing could destroy my mood.

I'm back from the dead. Silas and company are dead. Jeremy is alive. Everything's amazing!

Boy was I wrong.

I sit on my bed still smiling from Jeremy. I then feel a presence behind me, but ignore it. I move over to my mirror and come to a dead stop.


Sorry it's short! The next one will explain everything!!! I PROMISE!

Hope you liked!

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