I walked into my Biology room scared as hell. Yeah, Niall helped me study. But you all know what happened and would I remember anything after that?Louis would obviously have to sit in his assigned seat near the front. So I just headed to the back. Quickly, I took out my binder trying to memorize as much as I could. “Did you not study?” Zayn’s voice asked. My head snapped up to him shocked. I mumbled, “Uh…I did, just nervous.” He made some clicking sound with his tongue and sat next to me.
“Well good luck.” Zayn smiled. I nodded and tapped my pencil nervously against my leg. Why was I even scared for this test? My grade can’t lower any more in this class though. “Get a pencil out and wait patiently for your scantron.” The teacher announced. Shit shit shit shit..
A clean scantron was placed in front of me and I wrote my name neatly – Grace Ross. I’m going to do good, I kept thinking to myself. Finally, the teacher passed out the tests. This frickin test is millions of pages. Great.
Help me.
Holland’s POV:
“DON’T EAT THAT!” I yelled, grabbing my cookie. Rochelle chuckled and went back to texting on her phone. GAHH I want Lou or Gracie. I need to talk to people. Chelley here, just goes on her phone. “Be right back!” I told her.
I saw Eleanor and hoped Louis would be with her or something. Sorry, he’s like my bestest friend ever. “Hey El!” I waved. “Holly, how are you girl?” She replied cutely. Damn, I guess Lou isn’t with her. Whatevs. I sighed, “BORED! Let’s go to Chelle. Yeah? Yeah.” El laughed softly and followed behind me.
I ended up in my same position as before. Chelle still texting. GEEZ! “I wish Gracie was free.” I whined. I’ll admit it..I whine a lot. “OH MY GOD I NEED TO TALK TO GRACIE TOO AFTER WHAT HAPPENED AHHH!” Eleanor squealed. What happened? I’m confused.“Zip it!” Chelle yelled to Eleanor. “Guyssss whatttt? You never tell me anything!” I whined once again. “Because you’ll tell everybody!” “I DO NOT! C’mon..Grace is my friend too!” Chelle and Eleanor looked at eachother and shrugged. Wowwww.
Chelle finally explained, “Fine. Gracie went to study with Niall but yeah…they were little naughty children.” “HOLY SHIT!” I screamed and El covered my mouth. “GRACIE ROSS. I WILL NEED TO TALK TO THAT YOUNG LADY!” I screamed, I couldn’t help it.
“What’s happening?” My most favorite voice ever said from behind me. I jumped up, “CADE!” I wrapped my arms around him. “Hey babe.” He grinned. Harry was next to him. “HEYY CADE! HI HARRY! And yeah Gracie freaking-“ “HOLLY! WE SAID TO SHUT UP!” Chelle cut me off. Shit…did I seriously just do that. I’m so dumb.
Harry’s eyebrows rose. God, he is so interested in everything she does it’s not cool. “Gracie and Niall sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” I sang. “You’re such a little kid.” Chelle rolled her eyes. Eleanor said, “Let’s not talk about Gracie. How about we talk abouttt…” “LOUIS!” Louis screamed his name for no apparent reason.
“LOU!” We all exclaimed. "GUYS WE CAN SEE OUR PARTNERS FOR THE CANOE FIELD TRIP!" He told us. Holy! I've been wanting to see this THIS WHOLE FREAKING WEEK! YIPPPEEE!

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...