{64} Officially open, center of attention, and funny faces

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"And here's the kitchen..." Lyssa proudly motions her arms to a door.

I swing it open and unconsciously run my fingers along the long counter. The restaurant my dad and uncle own is called Wings N Rings. I chuckled a little hearing that, I'd expect it to be different. This sports bar seems like a place I'd actually like. There's a small bar, many tables, tvs, fun music. Everything is very burgers and wings kind of food. Working here will hopefully be okay then.

"Grace darling! I'm glad you came." My dad walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah..." I frown, "Lyssa and I will be working then?"

"Whatever you'd like. Either hostess or waitress." He says.

A man with a clipboard drags him away. In fact, there's a lot of men with clipboards here. I'm guessing they are inspecting the place before it officially opens today.

"I have never been a waitress before." I admit nervously.

"It's so hard....everyone's pretty mean." Lyssa replies.

Shit. Well great. Maybe I should be a hostess, but standing in front of the restaurant doesn't seem that exciting.

Lyssa bursts out laughing, "I was joking...It's not bad at all!"

"Oh." I crack a smile.

"People are bitchy every once in a while though. You'll be able to handle it child, I know you will." She pats my back.

We turn our heads when we hear noises from outside the kitchen. I rush to the window leading to the bar and peak outside. There's clapping. Now I'm interested.

"C'mon." I pull on Lyssa's arm.

I spot my dad telling everyone to go outside. Everyone, the people helping the restaurant get set up, is looking up at the 'Opening' sign. I guess it's officially opening now? That'd be awkward if no customers come, considering how excited everyone here seems. But these resturants are open in other locations. I wonder why my dad wanted one here so bad.

Gosh. Everyone's taking pictures of the front of Wings N Rings. I know I've been in a depressed mood so I'm not excited. But everyone seems overly excited, it's making me chuckle a little. I can tell Lyssa thinks the same as me by the way she's biting down on her tongue.

"WOOHOO, YEAH, ALRIGHT!" She yells sarcastically.

An older woman smiles happily at her. I laugh because Lyssa's totally joking about this. Finally, Lyssa takes me inside with her. I can't stand looking at this opening sign anymore. Lyssa throws her arm over my shoulder and we sit at the bar.

"You're going to school with me after break, just so you know."

"Alright." I nod.

I want Brookwood.

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