Niall's POV:
"Come on, you might as well get it over with." Liam forced. I rolled onto my back exhaling. I told Gracie she could come home with me, but I haven't exactly asked yet. I'm so freaked my parents will say no. They better not!
"Fine." I gave in, quickly dialing up my mom. Like always, she picked up quickly. "Niall! How are you baby!" Maura said loudly. I smiled and responded, "Great mom! I have a question though."
"Can I bring a friend back for the 3 day weekend?" I pleaded.
"Sure! Who?" She asked curiously.
I crossed my fingers in hope she would agree, "Her name is Grace."
"Her?? So it's a girl??"
"-friend. Girlfriend." I said blushing. I've never had a girlfriend, I knew she won't believe me.
"Okay sweetie, I guess it's fine. I can't wait to meet her!"
I felt so relieved. "Thank you mom! I have to go though."
"Wait! Greg is going to be home and pick you up!" She informed me. Greg!? He usually is at college. I grinned widely. But I hope he doesn't bug us..
"Oh my God AWESOME! Love you Mom!" I hung up. I love her, but if you stay on too long she won't hang up! "Sounds like it went well." Liam chuckled. I nodded and did a little happy dance. I was so nervous about everything though. Maybe I could text Greg telling him to set up some things.
"Greg wow! I can't believe ur coming home. U can meet my girlfriend, Grace. Check the guest room in the basement and make it comfortable. Make sure there's no embarrassing pictures or anything. U get what I mean. I told Grace we'd watch movies. Could u possibly rent some good ones. Also get music for the car ride. U know best for everything:D I wanna make this fun for her. Cya when u pick us up!!! Niallerx"
I shoved my phone in my pocket. Liam and I walked out into the boys hall, sitting on random bean bags.
Harry was running around hyperly with Carson. I clenched my hands. He's trying to steal my girl. Well- I'm not going to let him. But I know he wants to.
I may seem as frightening as a baby penguin but I grow more and more protective over Grace. The shitty thing is Gracie is falling for his "Oh I'm the flirt, but we'll just stay best friends". Psh, yeah. Harry would f*ck her if he could. Grace just doesn't know.
Liam snapped me out of my evil thoughts, "So what are you and Grace going to do?" My heart started beating fast realizing how nervous I was. I'm going to have to entertain her. I really hope I don't make her feel uncomfortable at my house or anything. GAHH I don't know! "Err, just hang..out." I said smiling.

The New Girl
Narrativa generale"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...