"It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend!." Chelle and I sang on our way to our last class. But yeah- it's Friday. Yay! "Let's have the girls come hang in our room tonight." Chelle said. I replied, "Yeah let's do it!"
We walked into our math class, sitting in the back row. Eleanor came in too and sat next to me!
Time to zone out. Literally this teacher teaches us the easiest things ever. I learned this stuff years ago!
I felt a note get slipped onto my lap. Eleanor was smiling at me. I secretly unfolded it. It said- "Louis wants to hang out with me this weekend. <3 -El" My mouth hung open. No. Way! I gave her a high five but the teacher yelled, "Grace! Are you having issues back there?" My face turned red as everyone turned around. El was having fits of laughter. But gosh, people turn around already!
Oh she's going to pay for this later. "No, sorry." I mumbled to the teacher. She rolled her eyes and continued teaching. I ignored Zayn's brown eyes lingering on mine. Why was he watching me? Eleanor whispered, "Sorry." I just chuckled to myself.
After a long time of boring lecturing, the bell rang. Finally! I had a free, then gym class. But then its the weekend!
I walked through the halls and bumped into someone. "Er sorry! Wait...Hey Gracie!" The Irish cutie exclaimed happily, even though he was apologizing. I said in a serious tone, "You better have a free. because I'm bored." Niall stopped in the middle of the hallway and yelled, "No way! I actually do." I giggled at him. Why was he so happy?
"Well lets go then!" I said in a sing-song voice. He took my arm and dragged me somewhere. "Want to go where I usually do my homework?" I nodded unsure of what that meant.
He took me to the end of some some random hall. Why have I never been back here? There was a giant window with many trees outside. I smiled, "Since when was this here?" "Since....exactly the 1300's." Niall joked. I giggled and Niall's smile widened. What a little bad joker.
We sat with our backs against the cold window and took out our homework. "Biology sucks." I sighed. "Need help?" Niall asked and continued, "But I agree. It does." I pulled out my worksheet and handed it to him. "None of this-" I started and pointed to my worksheet, "-makes sense." Niall blue eyes scanned my paper intensely.
I chuckled as he started filling out answers. "What are you doing?" I asked amused. "Filling out your answers. Don't tell any teachers though! And I'm only doing this because..." I looked up at the side of his face, waiting for him to continue. "Because you're my friend." "Thanks." I told him.
He filled out my answers in suckish handwriting. "Cool handwriting." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, "Hey! Do you want me to do this or not." I just shut my mouth and turned towards the window. I watched outside. "Niall, wouldn't this look so pretty when snowing. There'd be white everywhere!" He turned his head towards mine and grinned. His braces looked adorable. "You know, I always thought that too." He replied, then continued the worksheet.
"Done!" Niall exclaimed and gave me my paper. "Thanks. Seriously you're the best." I replied happily. I saw his face light up when I said that. I had to admit, I think Niall had a crush on me. Maybe he didn't? But I was absolutely flattered by it (if he did)...no one ever liked me back home.

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, "Anyways...is this boarding school..you know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...