It's the morning of our canoe day! To me, I think it's pretty messed up we're going canoeing. But it's a tradition to Brookwood Academy so I guess they always do it. I wouldn't of known that know, I just came here a couple months ago. It's 11 in the morning. Everyone has to get to the place around 12.
I was sitting at our regular table with Eleanor when Chelle came up. "Arn't you gonna find Zayn? You were supposed to contact whoever your partner is by yesterday. Just saying..." "Chelle...frick! Why was I the only one who didn't know of this?" I replied confused. Shit, this is bad. I bet I won't be able to find Zayn. "I don't know, really." Chelle chuckled.
I hopped out of my seat and ripped Holland away from Cade. Oops. "You're going to help me find Zayn." I ordered. She would be the only one to find him. Holland just has that ability, not sure why. "Okie!" She shrugged and linked arms with me.
My stomach started to feel weird. I wasn't sure how Zayn would act. Would he be douchey? Would he be flirty, not because he likes me, but because he's like that? Would he be nice, a jerk, or what? "C'mon Gracie hurry up." Holland said and tugged me along. Maybe I was walking slow or something.
We heard voices around a corner. When we turned my chest collided with someone elses. When I heard Holly laughing loudly and running off, I knew who it was. I backed off quickly seeing my canoe partner standing in front of me. "Hey...uh- I was looking for you." I said nervously up to Zayn. He looked down at me smirking, "You know you're quite the clumsy one around me." I immediately remembered when Harry and Louis shoved me in front of him. Geez, I really am a clutz.
"Sorry.." I mumbled. Truthfully I was just really embarrassed. "It's my bad. It's cool." He replied. We awkwardly stood there for a little. Yikes.... "I wish we could just drive there. Not ride the bus." Zayn stated and started walking into the cafe. I assumed I was to follow him. I can already tell this day will be awkward.
I thought you'd sit with your partners on the bus. Instead Zayn ignored me and walked to the back. I don't even know why I'm worrying so much about it...but he totally could of sat next to me.
Niall was on this bus though! That means Harry also since they are partners. Chelle is too. There's around 4 busses though so I'm not sure where everyone else is. I just know Zayn obviously doesn't want to sit by me.
Harry and Niall weren't going to sit by eachother, duh. "Gracie.." Niall grinned and held out his arm. I plopped next to him and linked my arm with his. "I wish I was your partner." I pouted. Niall pecked my cheek and was about to respond-
"OH GAADDD. Save that for later." Chelle joked. "Hi Chelle." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. She sat in the seat next to us. Then Harry came along. Now he's right next to me, great. I caught Chelle mouthing words at me though. I shrugged, confused.
She chuckled and whispered, "WHERE IS ZAYN?" "Sitting in the back." I replied. Harry and Niall watched us confused. Chelle and I peeked over our seats to look towards to back. My eyes locked with his and I quickly got back into my seat. Shit. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward.
Chelle was cracking up. "What happened?" Niall asked. "Ehhhh nothing."

The New Girl
Ficção Geral"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...