My cheek was pressed against a chest. I was still laying on him. Somehow I'm snuggled into his side now. In the night we must of unintentionally done that. I smiled at the fact Harry might of moved me. His arms were draped around me so cutely.
It's pretty loud actually and I squeeze my eyes shut again. Can I just go back to a nice sleep? I'm exhausted. I can tell Eleanor and Holland are at least up. Damn, they have loud voices. At least in the morning that is what it seems like.
"Gracie..." Harry's voice whispers.
My eye's immediately open and I turn my head up at him. Oh God... He looks precious. Which is a change for him. I actually can't believe I'm cuddling with this..this adorable babe. He smiles at me and I die a little more.
Holland is suddenly standing above us. I look up confused at her. I'm still out of it and just woken up. I partially wanna laugh because we're in a corner on top of random blankets. A fuzzy blanket is suddenly throw over us. Holland. I start giggling as Harry pulls me closer.
"Good morning?" Harry says in a croaky voice I've never heard.
"I guess.." I chuckle.
The blanket is pulled away from us. Man, we all slept in really late. I don't blame ourselves...we went to bed late! What else were we supposed to do? I feel awkward with Lou staring down at us, so I hop up the best I can. Harry ends up helping me though.
"Thanks." I comment.
Eleanor gives me that look again.
Niall's POV:
I paced with Liam through the halls. Man, he was fast right now. Usually I'm the hyper one and all quick. But not lately. Liam securely held onto a cheesy letter he wrote for Kirsten. He was asking her to the Winter Formal which I have no interest in. I never really had dates for this though. Not a surprise. Too bad I thought I would finally have her to ask.
I shook Gracie off my mind before it'd get bad. I caught up with Liam instead and tried to stay by his side. He was really nervous, which means he was walking fast. He always does that. I feel bad for him really. He gets to room with a brokenhearted, emotionless, freak. Also known as--me.
"This is the room." He rocked back and forth on his heels.
Literally about five minutes later he asks if he should do this or not. I didn't come all this way for nothing, god. He rolls his eyes at my response. Truthfully, I don't even know what I said. Lately I just blurt things and they come out obnoxious or quiet.
I watch Liam slip the envelope under her door. I really like the idea of a letter. It lets you think about what you're going to say and get it all out. Things I can't do...tell my feelings. Liam acted like a little boy by running quickly away after leaving the letter. Is this ding dong ditching or something? I recognize this hall as Gracie's and feel my stomach clench. I need to talk to Liam. Now.

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...