{2} Zoning out, lots of new people, and soccer

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Thursday (2 days later)

I've made it through two days. Thank god. It hasn't been bad at all! I haven't met any new people though. Chelle is seriously the coolest roommate ever. Today supposedly we have many classes together and she gonna introduce me to people.

I adjusted my tie as I walked to class. The uniforms are annoying though. Kilts, collared shirts, girl suit coats, and ties...really? I must admit these British boys are awfully cute in theirs though. Right, now I had to go to my 3rd lesson/math class. Sadly...this boarding school is still confusing.

"Hey, do you know where Ms. Brewers class is?" I asked a random girl. She chuckled and replied, "It's right there." then pointed behind me. I smiled sheepishly and walked off quickly. I walked in and everyone turned quickly to the door. Crap, am I late? "Are you the new student?" Ms. Brewer asked nicely to me. "I'm Grace." I announced shyly. Everyone kept staring. Ugh, stop that. A guy with light brown hair swiped to the side chirped, "HI GRACE." I waved awkwardly. Finally I got to sit down.

Since I came here a month later than everyone else, I have to pick up from where they are. So I have no clue whats happening in class. Chelle told me one of her friends is really smart and could help me out.

But all I could think about was that lunch was next and this boy diagonally in front of me. He had perfect dark hair and was pretty tan. Basically, he was really hot. It was entertaining watching him sneak texting during class. Does anyone pay attention here?

After a long time of zoning out, Ms. Brewer yelled, "Ok class is over." I jumped up and actually tried to find the hot guy. He was already off with his friends. Oh. I walked alone to the cafe. I wonder if Niall would be here? He said he's always in the cafe. Anywhere between 11-1:30 you can have lunch. It just depends on when you have class or not. I don't have my next lesson for a while though, so hopefully Chelle will be here.

Once I got there, Chelle was waiting by the door. "Gracie!" She yelled and skipped over to me. "Hey Chelle! Whens your next class?" I asked. She replied, "Not till 2." I grinned and exclaimed, "Same here! We have about two hours then, which is awesome!" She nodded happily and pulled me somewhere in the cafe.

My smile grew even bigger when I saw Niall at a table with his friends. He waved excitedly to me, but Chelle was still rushing somewhere. "Was that Niall kid waving to you?" She asked quickly. I nodded and she didn't respond.

We stopped at some lunch table with lots of girls. They were smiling at me for once! I hope these are Chelle's friends because they seem nice. We sat down and Chelle announced, "Kay girls. This is who my roommate is- Grace." We all exchanged hellos. "Oi! American, please talk. I want to hear your accent!" A girl said excitedly. I chuckled, British accents are weird to me. But I guess mine is weird to him. I said slowly, "Um...Hello. I'm Grace." They all laughed.

"Well let me introduce my friends." Chelle started. She pointed to a girl with hazel eyes and perfectly curled blond hair. "This is Kathryn, practically the nicest person you will ever meet." Kathryn half hugged her and cooed, "Aw shucks." "And this is Kirsten, she is really good in school if you ever need help and a good person to talk to". Kirsten smiled at me. She had long redish-brown wavy hair, and blue-green eyes. "This is Eleanor. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she's in the popular crowd. But hangs out with us too. El is just a great friend". Eleanor was seriously so pretty. Her hair was dark brown and eyes are light brown. "Then lastly this is Holland. She's....hyper". Holland chuckled. She had straight blond hair and pretty blue eyes. "Wow, ok! Hi everyone!" I said.

"But we have to tell you about people". Holland chirped. I nodded and listened to them explain everything. Chelle started, "So over at that table, is the populars. Zayn is the most popular, just don't get near him" Then she pointed to the guy who I thought was fit in class. "Why not?" I asked and couldn't help to think of how hot the name Zayn is. "Because of that girl next to him -Mallory, she thinks she owns him. It's annoying as crap". Kirsten explained. "Yeah Mallory is annoying. But I hang out with her friend, Ella. She's pretty nice actually". El said. "Yep, not all populars are mean. But oh my god Brody...he is so fit!". Chelle said dreamily, and everyone agreed. "Chelle always had liked Brody, too bad hes so popular".Kathryn sighed.

"Well besides them, who else?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know about Niall! "Besides them, there's not much to worry about". Kirsten said. "But sometimes we hang out with the people at that table over there" Kathryn exclaimed pointing to Nialls table. YES! "There's Liam, Will, Carson, and Niall. They arnt that outgoing though". Holland explained. "Niall was actually the first person I met here". I brought up, wondering what they would say back. Kathryn said, "Yeah he's normal I guess. Just don't take Will, I sorta like him at the moment" "I never said I liked Niall!" I blurted. "Sure. But he's looking at you now".Kathryn said laughing. I turned around and saw him looking at me. I waved and he waved embarrassed back. We all laughed quietly, so he couldn't tell.

I was literally so happy I found some potential good friends! We all ate lunch and I found out Kathryn and I have the next classes together. "Gracie meet me at the front of the school when all the classes are out." Chelle said. "Alright! See you then, and nice meeting you guys!" I replied and waved to them. Kathryn and I started walking towards our next class together.

"By the way, every other Friday night there's a football (a/n soccerrr) game for our school here. It's a big deal, I don't know why." Kathryn told me. I smiled, "They sound like fun!" She nodded and replied, "They sure are. It's also fun when you go with a guy. People usually go as sort of dates!!!" I could tell she was really excited and I asked, "Do you have a date...." She smiled, "Will, who I was talking about before, asked me" I aww'ed. "You should try to get a date!" "I've been here for not even a week!" I said and chuckled.

*After all classes*

The bell rang and Kathryn and I quickly ran off. "Dang, that class was boring!" Kathryn joked causing me to laugh. We jogged to the front of the school, not sure why. Well I was supposed to meet Chelle. Kathryn said, "Argg can it just be Friday already?" "Yeah seriously! What is everyone doing?" "There's a football game!!" Kathryn replied. "Yes!" I said smiling.

Once again, Chelle was there waiting just on time. She stole me from Kathryn and pulled me off somewhere. "Chelle where ya taking me?" I yelled laughing. "To find Harry and Louis! There almost done with soccer practice." i really loved the campus for this school. There was so much room outside. We skipped to the bleachers by the football field. Chelle and I sat at the very top of the bleachers.

"Kay so they're the ones by the goal." Chelle pointed out. I saw a curly headed guy and another laying on the ground..? "Which one's curly?" I asked. "Harry!" Chelle exclaimed. Wow, he has curly hair..and his name is Harry? its perfect! haha! "So I assume the guy rolling on the ground is Louis?" I said chuckled. She nodded and bursted out laughing. "Even though it doesn't look like it, they're the stars of the team. I don't understand. But they're pretty sick at football." I watched them play and they seemed pretty good. That Louis guy, oh my gosh...he was hyper. Chelle warned me, "Don't be freaked out when I introduce them. I'm predicting Harry will call you babe and Louis will jump on you." I widened my eyes and leaned back. "Just be prepared." She chuckled.

After we watched them for a little longer, they finished. Some people left but Harry and Louis were still down there with random guys. Chelle jogged down onto the field with me following her from behind. The boys whistled. I finally caught up with Chelle. Harry and Louis both just stared at me blankly for a long time. uh....

Chelle squinted her eyes at them. "Hello babe, I'm Harry." Harry said and smirked. "I'm Grace." I replied and smiled. But his smile topped mine big time, he had nice dimples. "Haz stop being a flirt. I'M LOU" Louis yelled and attacked me with a hug. I just realized he was the only kid who said hi to me in class. Chelle laughed and mumbled, "I told you Grace..." But my gosh, Chelle never told me her friends were this hot. I don't know, something about them was just really good looking.

After they grabbed their bags, we walked off. Louis said to me, "So you're the new American girl everyones talking about." I nodded. But people are talking about me? Harry blurted, "American girls are hot." and eyed me down. I blushed and Chelle said, "Harry do you just blurt everything thats on your mind" He nodded sarcastically. Louis and Harry ran ahead singing weirdly, "THEY SAY SHES IN THE CLASS A TEAM, STUCK IN HER DAYDREAM. BEEN THIS WAY SINCE 18. BUT LATELY.." Chelle and I looked at eachother chuckling. I couldn't tell if I'd like these guys or not. But I have a feeling I would.


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