{I'm just really fascinated with dreams if you couldn't tell}
I sigh as I watch the lit up city below. Cars honking and faded music soaks into my ears. It's late, too late. I just want my fiance to come to sleep. He, on perfect timing, opens the bedroom door. Harry stands there just in boxers then walks towards me.
I smile as he presses his lips to my temple, then all over my face. "Stop it." I giggle. He scoops me up and I curl into his body. Suddenly, I feel the soft mattress underneath me. Now I know it's my favorite part of the day. When I get to relax with the man I am going to marry.
"Nice pajamas." Harry winks and pulls my tank top off.
He lays next to me, and we snuggle as close as we can get, our legs tangled. I push his curls out of his face and it reminds me of the young boy I first met. His hair is always styled up now but very handsome. Harry interlocks our fingers and I smile at the ring on his. He starts tapping my shoulder.
I become half asleep and things happen fast. There's knocks on the door. People walking around. Voices. Crinkling of dresses taken out of bags. And... Harry tapping on my shoulder. Shit. That was dream. It felt so real.
Can I casually live in dream world? Because today's the day I will move. Tonight I will. My dad can't even wait till the day after the dance. But once again, at least I get to go. I want to keep my eyes closed and have Harry keep tapping my shoulder. I won't be able to be like this with him again. He's so warm. Really I could stay here and be satisfied with life.
But then I open my brown eyes.
I almost jump back at how close Harry's face is. He chuckles slightly at my reaction and rubs his toe against mine. Did we fall asleep like this? I can't remember since it was so late.
"C'mon you two." Chelle groans and pulls Harry up.
That was impressive, that Chelle could pull him up. Harry's not small or anything. I watch Harry stretch as I stay under the warm blankets. His messy hair looks too cute in the mornings. I try to hold in a laugh when he shakes his hair out and swipes it to the side. Never mind about morning hair.
"Harry get your arse back to your room." Chelle continues to yell.
"Alright alright!" He yells, then mouths to me, "See you later."
I smile widely and want to find out what's going on in life. A couple people were in here before but I'm not sure where they are now.
"I just had to get Harry out because you need to get him a boutonniere. They're selling them in the cafe!" Chelle grabs my hand to pull me out.
"Wha? What's that?"
I truly have no clue what she's talking about.

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, "Anyways...is this boarding school..you know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...