Chelle’s POV:
I smirked, but truly sulked, looking at Gracie’s snapchat. She looked like she was having a good time. Unlike me. Nothing about my home, family, or relatives is anywhere near pleasant. They seem to all hate me. Well I know my stupid Mum does…she sent me to this boarding school!
Now I’m glad I’m there. I barely have to deal with her. The only places I can stand is the boarding school and our family’s beach house. I just tan by myself most of the time. I find it fun!
My first year of high school, before Brookwood Academy, I had many boyfriends. We always broke up. I got caught up in the bad crowd. Hell, I just wasn’t scared to be out there. But a little later I met my boyfriend Bentley, who I actually loved.
I had one friend named Carly. She was opposite of me though, good at school and all. We just decided to hang out after being paired up for a project. A lot of my friends weren’t there for me so I trusted Carly. I told her my secrets and things I do.
Wrong choice, Chelle, wrong choice. She spilled to her mum about all of it. For some fucking reason our parents know eachother! So then my mum knew I hooked up with many boys and Brett and I have done some things.
Yup, thanks to Carly I got sent to a boarding school. I guess it’s my fault for telling her. But who tells their mum? Me growing up in such a strict family grew way too boring to me. That’s how I ended up so crazy I guess.
But going to a boarding school meant kissing goodbye to my 6 month boyfriend. Which is millions of years for me. Without even hugging my family I went to Brookwood heartbroken.
“Rochelle. Have your grades been up?” My aunt asked. “Oh..yeah.” I said plainly and played with my food. I wish I could of stayed with someone else rather than family this weekend. A lot of my cousins pissed me off too. My 16 year old guy cousin who snooped into my life a little too much. My younger girl cousin who thinks I’m scary as crap. And all the others…
My ringtone, “How We Do”, blasted. Harry’s photo and name popped up. THANK YOU LORD! I hopped up and yelled, “BE RIGHT BACK. IMPORTANT CALL!” They all stared me down as I ran to the basement.
I slid my iphone’s accept button and said loudly, “HELLO.”
“Chelle.” His bored, deep voice said.
You see, Harry and I have a closer relationship than you might think. When I first came here I found something about him dragging me in. He seemed to feel the same about me. We snogged a lot, then ended up dating. Well that lasted only a week.
Harry was in the same situation. He could be a douche. I could be a whore. We don’t try to be! We talked for hours one night and decided to give up on relationships. They never worked out. I really do hate love movies and all that shit. So Harry and I stayed good friends and partied. We secretly kind of supported eachother. I knew Harry could be a great guy. I could be a good girl too! But after being wild for a year or so, you get stuck like that.
I’m kind of changing this year with Gracie, I don’t know why. I really want to tell her all about me. I’m too afraid she’ll be freaked out just like Carly was. I know she won't tell anyone though. But when Brody and I snogged... I actually wanted more that time. Like, I’m missing having relationships. Then of course Harry is crushing on Grace hard. He wants to date her. I don’t know what Grace did, but she’s changing Harry and I for the better. Harry is also getting all offensive if someone considers him a douchebag.
“Is this about Gracie?” I smirked, knowing the answer.
“Erm…yeah. Chelle, I hate this. I’m so bored at home and all I can do is think about her.”
“Can we please just be together right now. I’m dying, I still hate my family.”
“I agree. Ugh. Grace is with Niall…I hope they’re not snogging.” Harry groaned. He has literally said this to me multiple times.
“I bet they are! Probably with tongue and all. Damn, that must be sexual. You know how Niall has that effect on her.” I joked.
“I hate you.” Harry chuckled.
I shrieked seeing my annoying guy cousin listening to me on the stairs. His forehead was all wrinkled up in disgust. “GET THE HELL AWAY!” I screamed. Do I have any privacy?! He quickly scurried away.
“Should I text her? Not today, but this weekend?” Harry worried.
“Yup. But do it at night or near the morning when they wouldn’t be somewhere together. Unless at night..” I trailed off, smirking.
“I WILL HANG UP YOU KNOW!” Harry yelled. I winced but burst out laughing.
“I’m kidding. Gracie’s a good girl. So if you ever ended up dating her, either you’ll have to be the good one or her the bad one.”
“Damn, Gracie as a bad girl would be hot. Kind of like at the Halloween party. “ Harry smirked.
“Wha the fuck?” Harry said while laughing. I don’t even know.
We talked for as much as we could. My mum told me to get back to dinner as I expected.
This is all making me seem like a horrible person. But friends at school help me be better. Harry, Holland, El, Kirsten, Katherine, and of course Gracie. I am much more supported there than I was back home. Everyone has a rough part of their teenage years, yeah? Unless your damn lucky.
Authors Note: HOLY CHELLE WHA. This chapter jsut needed to happen. Important details in way. :) anyways, spring break is coming up....NOT GOING ANYWHERE:'( Realllllly miss the beach grrrr! But then I guess I can update! Yeah? yeah.
Is anyone going to 1Ds concert in Colombus..if u are HOLY TELL ME:D Kk love you guys sooooooooooooooooooo much! The views and comments just keep going up and making me smile:D Thanks again! <3
Dedication time : 1. Vote, 2. I want an update ... :) Who do u ship, Favorite friend of Gracies, and favorite part of this book.
-L e a h T o m m o < 3

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...