I didn't want to have a super super super long authors note after the next chapter so I decided to make an extra one. There's no way to explain why I haven't been writing. I have many excuses but what's even the point of explaining. I DID have a long vacation. And I have friend drama. It's that kind of shit.
So if you still continue to read… I thank you for that. I don't deserve it. At this point I haven't updated for months and that's not fair to my beautiful readers.
Thank you. I love you.
overall this is what I have to say about The New Girl...
…I never expected TNG to go far or continue or even people to like it. I had this time period where I had constant fanfic ideas so I wrote many. But then I realized this one had the most going for it. So I deleted others and focused on TNG. I just had it in mind, being 13 or 14 years old, ohhh Niall and Harry are gonna like her. :) :) hashtag cute! :) :). Well no. That makes it complicated and obviously she'd have to choose one. So do whatever you need to do to be happy. Stop reading, continue (and trust me..for great things to come;D) or whatever. It's your choice. But now I'm turning 16 in 9 days. I've matured a lot since I've gotten older (and I like to think in my writing too).. I wish I could make this book more mature (especially the beginning). But I got all the reads by how it I'm leaving it the way it is. I've thought constantly about how to make this book turn out. Constantly, and I just had to come to a descison… it was hard to do that. Because I TOO love both Harry and Niall. So I hope you enjoy how it goes! If not, you know what…I appreciate that too.
Thank you so much, I really really love all my readers so much.
-Lee. xxx

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...