Liam started to grow uneasy as I stared at him longer. Just five more minutes until class was over. I knew I had to talk to Liam. He would know what's up with Niall! Plus he's avoiding me in health class already...since when would he ever do that?
I peeked at Harry too, who happens to not be sitting by me. His face holds a little confused expression, with his eyebrows in. Why does he always look like that in class? The bell dinged and I stood up quickly. Liam knew I was going to come up to him so he slowly put his books back in his bookbag. I guess I do feel awkward about this...But I'm so desperate to hear about my...ex. I hate saying that.
"Uh, Liam." I fakely smiled when I got over there.
"Follow me, let's talk." Liam replied and lead the way out of the classroom.
I whispered a 'yes!' to myself and scurried after him. Where will I end up this time, having a serious conversation with someone? I swear this happens every single day. Simply, the cafe was where we went. No sign of Niall. Psh, there never is anyways.
"I know I shouldn't be talking to you for what you did. But I missed you Grace." Liam started and pulled my chair out for me.
He truly is the nicest person ever. But what's this 'I shouldn't be talking to you' shit. It's not like Niall didn't do anything! Liams never even heard from me, how can he assume what happened just from Niall?
"I missed you too Liam. How is Niall?" It felt weird talking about my leprechaun again.
"You know..." Liam sighed.
"Bad?" I guessed.
"Yeah, bad."
"Oh." This is so awkwardly silent, "Will I be able to talk to him? Soon?"
"I don't think that's a good idea, Grace." Liam says.
"Why? IS HE OKAY?" I start to get worried.
"Yeah! Relax.." Liam tried to stay quiet.
I pause for a minute then spill my feelings, "I'm not gonna relax! This whole 'break up' thing wasn't supposed to be like he disappears from my life! We could work through stuff! Now no body will tell me a God damn thing about anything! I'm so lost, Liam! I thought you would help me but I guess I thought wrong."
After a couple minutes of silence, he finally told me, "He went home last weekend. Wouldn't even talk to me, now I guess he feels the need to talk to someone. He's telling me everything but it's not my words to tell. He's okay, Grace. A little heartbroken, but I'm just trying to help him--you know. So don't talk to him."
What the hell? I can talk to who I want to! He's really okay? And doesn't want me to talk to him. I expected something different I guess. Not sure what, but not this. I didn't want to cause a scene so I told Liam I'm going to the restroom. He most likely knew I was lying.

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...