{6} The project, Baby Chester, and sneaking out

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4 days later/Wednesday.


"Dude- health class is hilarious today." Chelle told me cracking up with Kathryn. "Why?" I asked. She just wiggled her eyebrows. Well it must be something weird, this week we started the sex unit. Literally...come on, we learned this forever ago. Plus I have Harry in all my Health classes. Talk about immature boys much.

"Just get a good partner. I got...Brandon." Kathryn pouted. All I know is he is really weird and awkward. "I got some hot guy I didn't even know existed." Chelle exclaimed. We rolled our eyes at her.

"See you guys!" I said and hugged them. Time for this weird health class.

I walked quickly so I could get a good seat. I hate sitting in the front row. When I opened the door, Harry motioned me towards the seat next to him.  We sat in the back of the room by some window. "Helloooo Grace!" He smiled. "HIYA" I just said weirdly and got out my health binder.

"Everyone should be in class by now. Lets get learning about our bodies!" The physco teacher yelled. This lady is seriously weird. Her name was Ms. Cherry-haha. All the boys cheered jokingly. I rolled my eyes. "Oops, I forgot- today were starting a project!" She told us and continued, "So you're going to get a partner..." Harry casually turned to me and started making weird  faces. I chuckled and we gave a little head nod, saying we are going to be partners.

"By the way, I'm going to pick your partners." Ms.Cherry added. Wow. Harry flicked her off from under the desk. I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Here's what we're going to do. You will get a partner. You're going to all get baby, yes you can name it, and see how the process of how it develops. Each day you're just going to get a paper of how much bigger your baby gets and all. Make sense?" Truthfully, I don't. But I'll go with it.

"I wanna be your partner." Harry whispered sadly. I stuck out my bottom lip.

Harry ended up having Ella. She's popular and Chelle said he's always liked her. Yay Harry! "Grace...you are with Liam." Ms. Cherry announced. I smiled and saw him turned around trying to find me. He's Nialls friend I'm pretty sure! I motioned him towards me. "Find a spot in the room everyone!" Ms.Cherry ordered. "Hi Grace." He said happily. Oh! His accent was really cool! I'm still getting used to British stuff. "This will be weird." I giggled and we sat in some corner of the room.

Ms. cherry passed out a piece of paper to each group. "I think you guys will enjoy this project." She said and went to the board. Liam and I chuckled. "So we're starting our first worksheet- just follow along for now."

Ms. C read the paper, "One night something special happened between blank and blank .. Fill in your names please." Our eyes widened, WHAT IS THIS? I wrote in 'Grace and Liam'. Liam was laughing while shaking his head. Harry's probably getting a kick out of all of this. Ms. cherry kept reading, "They decided to have a baby..." Blah, blah, blah. She restated everything she already told us yesterday. Oh my.

"Now you guys get to pick a name and gender for your baby." Ms. C exclaimed. Finally. Liam looked at me. "I don't care, boy or girl." I told him. "Hmmm. Boy." Liam said. I nodded and we filled that out. "Name?" I asked. "I've always wanted to name my kid Taylor!" He said excitedly. I shrugged, "Lets do something really weird."

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