Chelle and Kirsten burst into my dorm. "WE'RE BACKKK!" Chelle said in a sing-song voice. I hopped off the bed. I've been waiting for them!
I reached impatiently for the bags they were holding. "AY! HOLD UP AMERICANO!" Chelle yelled in my face. I bit my lip laughing and crossed my arms. Kirsten said, "First of all, are you better?" I nodded happily. "NEVER FELT BETTER!" I exclaimed. Even though I probably have feel better once in my life.
I sent a group text to all the girls.
"Meet in our room. CHELLE AND KIRSTEN R BACK! (: -Grace"
I bet you can guess who got here first. Holland. Hehe.
Then Kathryn and Eleanor a couple minutes later. "You got the costumes?" Eleanor asked softly then went back to pursing her lips. She has a habit of that or something! She acts like such a model. "What else would we of done you little shit!" Chelle joked and started taking out clothes from their bags. We all chuckled at El. Chelle was in a mood.
Kirsten handed everyone their costume. Holly was flapping her arms excitedly. "THIS IS SO PERFECT!" She screamed. Everyone else seemed to love their costumes.
Chelle literally had a black bodysuit with cheetah print cat ears and a tail.
Kathryn a really cute Dorothy outfit.
Eleanor a blue body cone skirt, green top, suspenders, and a green hat with "L" on it. "OMG ARE YOU LUIGI?" Holland exclaimed. Eleanor giggled, "And Louis' is Mario." I burst out laughing- Louis would think of that idea.
Holland had the full wonderwoman costume, which she was overly excited about.
Kirsten a full Bee costume.
And me...well I should of known Chelle would pick out such a small dress. "Chelle- no." I said seriously. Chelle groaned, "I KNEW you would say that! Come on, just try it on!" I rolled my eyes and changed in a corner.
The black dress wasn't fully tight at least. It went below my freaking butt though. It had a belt and a police badge. "Grace you look so adorable!" Kathryn said happily. I smiled slightly, I guess if Kathryn says it's fine .. it is. She would of admitted it , if it was slutty.
But the rest of my costume was awesome! It had a police hat, sunglasses, fish net leggings, and black heels. And I can't forget the handcuffs!
"Girl you got an issue with your boobs or something?" Chelle asked and unbuttoned the buttons on my shirt more. I immediately buttoned it back up. "It's okay Grace! People are going to be way showier than you are!" El explained. I chuckled. Why do they convince me to be like this? They get me to do anything.
We all changed back into our regular clothes. The party isn't till late. Kirsten blurted, "Gracie, do you know how to dance at these parties?" I shook my head. "Well- Shit we're going to have tons of issues!" Holland said in a funny voice. I giggled as they dragged me out of the room.
"Who's the best dancer?" Kathryn asked looking at them. They all shrugged. "I just grind." Eleanor and Holland said trying to contain laughter. Kathryn looked at Kirsten and she shook her head crazily. "No way!" Kirsten chuckled. "Well hello Chelle. You get to do this." Kathryn exclaimed. "I WAS BORN FOR IT." Chelle screamed.
Supposively, Chelle is going to make me "come out of my shell" and dance. I danced at the one party! Oh my, I don't even understand them. Chelle looked through her iphone's music and plugged it in the speaker. We had to go in Eleanor's room because 1. She had bigger room then all of us and 2. She had a speaker.
She played "Dirty Mind".
"Gracie and everyone dance!" Chelle exclaimed. Chelle came over to me and started dancing low. Oh my god. Chelle. "If this doesn't get you in the mood, you have issues." She chuckled.
Everyone else did their thing and I joined in. I had to admit, songs like these make you want to do things. And Niall's going to be there. It's not like he's going to be dancing with someone else. It's not like I will either. Are we going to grind?! Ahhhhh!
Holly came over and danced by me. I let my hips go crazy. "Guys are gonna be all over you tonight." Eleanor winked.
(A/n Hey guys! I uploaded this because....I needed a chapter in between the party.)
Since this was a weird and short chapterrr... I'm just dedicating this to @1Dforever23. I love her so much(: And if ur bored seriously check out her page! Her book is my favorite and we came up with it together!
But if you could comment thoughts for the par-tay..please do (;
I think the party will satisfy everyone ! :D which is good !
Love: L e e T o m m o <3

The New Girl
General Fiction"I asked curiously, " this boarding know, fun? Boring?" Grace Ross is an ordinary girl who expects ordinary things. She was never popular back home in America, so when she moves to England, she tries h...