Chapter 2

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I wake up at 6 the next morning, slowly getting up and packing my stuff for school. I decide to dress semi-classy, so I throw on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a blue tanktop and a black cardigan. I brush my hair out and put on some earrings, then I do my makeup. I don't wear much, just cover up and today I put on some black eyeliner. I curl the ends of my hair, then leave the bathroom for Luke. I always make sure I get it first because he makes a huge mess.

I run into Luke in the hallway and stumble backwards a little. He furrows his eyebrow. "What are you dressed up for?"

I shrug. "I'm tired of dressing like a scrub."

"You got a boyfriend. Who?"

"Relax, Luke." I laugh.

"Tell me."

"I'm single, alright? Always have been, always will."

"Aw, don't say that. You're beautiful."

"I love you, Luke." I flash a quick smile.

"Love you too, sissy." He walks into the bathroom.

I go downstairs and eat breakfast, then brush my teeth and pull on some short, black boots. I zip them up and go back upstairs to grab my school bag, just as Luke is walking out of the bathroom. "Did you get water everywhere?"


"So, yes?"

"Shut up."

"Are you going to school today?"


"Well hurry up and get ready! I'm not waiting more than 20 minutes." I check the time. "Scratch that. We're leaving by 7:00."

"Why do we leave so early?"

"We don't."

"School doesn't start until almost 8!"

"And we live a half hour away from the school. I like to hang out with my friends in the morning, I don't know about you."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Ride the bus then!"

"God, no."

"You could've used this time wisely to get ready but instead you're standing here arguing with me."

"Jesus." Luke mumbles and walks into his room. I smile triumphantly, then go into my room and grab my school and sports bags. I walk downstairs and put them in the back of my car, then lounge around in the living room and wait for Luke. He comes down in record time, 13 minutes. "Alright, then." He says, his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Let's go."

We walk out to the car. Luke is wearing a black Rolling Stones shirt and black skinny jeans. "Question." I say as we climb into the car.

"Yeah?" Luke slams the door shut.

"Are those my jeans?" The look on Luke's face makes me burst out laughing. "Sorry, couldn''t resist." I say and back out of the driveway, then head towards school.



"Yeah, yeah."

"Okay, on a completely serious note, my black skinny jeans are missing. I was looking for them the other day. Do you have any idea where they are?"

"I don't do the laundry."

"Fine, I'll ask mum. But you should check your piles, just in case she mixed them up."


"Sorry." I chew my lip a little, then turn the radio up a bit. Talk shows are on, as they always are in the morning. "You wanna plug your phone in?"

"Sure." He plugs the aux cord in and turns some music on. As we sing, I tap the fingers of my right hand against the center console. "Once a drummer, always a drummer." Luke laughs a little.

"Guilty. But I can see you moving your fingers over there." I grin. "Once a guitarist, always a guiarist."

"I could've been a drummer." He taps the dashboard along to the beat.

"And I could've been a guitarist. But not a lame one, like you. A bassist."

"I'm not lame!"

"I know, but the bass guitar is so much cooler. My opinion."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, ah." My voice cracks and I clear my throat. "I have to stay after today, as usual. But it's the last day."

"So a game?"

"Yes, sir. Home game. You staying or..?"

"I might stay for a little while. I think some people are gonna come over."

"The band?"

"What are you talking about?" Luke bites his lip slightly."What band?"

"Luke, I'm not dumb. I know you're in a band. You don't have to hide it from me."

"I don't know why you're saying that."

"If you don't wanna tell me, it's fine, but I know you've been practicing with other people for a couple years now." I pull into a parking space. "I'll see you after school, yeah?"

"Yeah, maybe. I'll see what I can do." He grabs his backpack and jumps out of the car.

I bring my bag into the gym locker room and lock it in my locker, then bring my backpack to my homeroom and set it down. I find my friends where we always hang out and chat with them till the first bell rings, then it's time for hell. Oops, I meant school. (Same thing, right?)

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