Chapter 28

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Allie's POV

Everyday after I get out of work, I go and visit Shay. Today, I'm clutching a plastic bag close to my chest. I take my seat next to Shay's bed and listen to her heart monitor machine for a few minutes, then I take a deep breath.

"Hey, Shay. I'm not doing so well today. Work was fine; long and boring, but fine." My eyes well up with tears. "So, remember that night? Well something happened between Luke and I - we said I love you for the first time. Isn't that great? Well, after that, we decided to, erm, show it. You know? It just happens. Well, right after Luke...finished, Michael came in to tell us the news."

I take another deep breath. "Shay, we didn't use protection."

I look in the plastic bag, at the open box of pregnancy tests. I whisper. "How do I tell Luke that he's gonna be a father? I can't burden him with that, his life is just beginning! He can't deal with a baby. He's always gonna be on tour and away. Do I keep it a secret?"

I wipe a tear from my eye and sit back in the chair.

"No." A scratchy voice says.

I lean forward. "Shay!?"

Shay's POV

Allie comes in to talk to me everyday. Yeah, I know, I hear it. I just haven't been able to respond - until today. After she explains her situation, I say one simple word. "No."


"Yeah. Dude you have to tell him!" I cough for a few minutes and open my eyes, then push myself into a half-sitting position. "You can't keep that a secret, Allie. Are you sure?"

"Well, I took a test today right after work, it was positive."

"But it also hasn't been that long, right?"

Allie stays silent.

"Allie, how long has it been since that night?" Black dots swim in front of my eyes and I start to become extremely tired.

"Shay." She swallows. "It's been 3 months."

That hits me hard. I lean my head back against the pillow. "Wow. But you have to tell him." I close my eyes. "I'm tired."

"Go to sleep. You need your rest."

"Yeah." I lay down again, my head starting to pound. I begin to fall asleep, then I sit up quickly. "Where's Michael?" I ask Allie, but she's already gone.

I lay back down and start to fade out of consciousness. My lasts thoughts before I fall asleep are of Michael. I hope he doesn't blame himself for this. I hope he knows that I still love him.

Luke's POV

When we finish getting ready for the set tonight, I check my phone backstage in my dressing room. I have a couple texts and a missed call from Allie. I read the texts first.

From My Baby <3

Luke...I have something important to talk to you about.

Please please call me asap.

My heart drops. What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if she found someone new back in Australia? I've been gone for so long...

I immediately hit the call button by her name. It rings and rings, but no answer. I try again and she answers on the second ring. "Hey Luke!" She tries to sound enthusiastic but I can hear the pain in her voice.

"Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing."

"You don't sound very happy, hun."

"I am, I promise."

"Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." I finish putting my guitar away and I plop down on the mini couch. She begins speaking, but her voice cracks. I can hear noises from the other end of the line, noises that sound like crying. "Allie? Baby speak to me!"

"Luke, I don''t know how to tell you this."

My mind automatically jumps to the worst. She's leaving me. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, baby. But I do love you. Even though I haven't been there to prove it. Please give me another chance, please don't do this."

There is a brief silence, then Allie speaks. "Luke, what are you talking about?"

"You're leaving me, aren't you? I haven't been there for you and you found someone new."

"Oh, baby, no! I love you so much, you aren't getting rid of me that easily."

Relief fills me and a smile breaks out on my face. "Good."

"But that's not it." She pauses.

All of a sudden, my dressing room door bursts open. "Lucas Hemmings, pack your things."

"Allie, please hold that thought." I say into the phone, then look up. "What is it, mom?"

"We're leaving at once. I've already talked to your bandmates, they're gonna be able to play without you. You will be back in a week, though."

"Mom, please explain."

She says three simple words. "Shay is awake." Then she disappears.

Shock hits me. "Allie, I'm gonna have to call you back. I have to pack."

"What do you mean, Luke?"

"Don't worry, baby. I'll see you sooner than you think. Then we can talk about whatever's bothering you, face to face. I love you more than anything." I say, then hang up and begin packing.

My baby sister is awake and I'm about to see the love of my life. Life couldn't be better.

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