Chapter 23

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"So what did you want to tell me?" I ask Michael when we pull in his driveway.

"Hold that thought." He runs his hand through his hair. "I'll be right back."


Michael jumps out of the car and jogs inside, buttoning up his shirt as he goes. Oops. After a few minutes, he reappears in the doorway and comes back to the car. He hands me a brown package, then begins driving again. I begin to unwrap it, but Michael places one of his large hands on mine. "Not yet."


"Well, that's kinda what I want to talk about. The boys and I- we were invited to go on tour."

"Babe, that's great! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." He let's out a deep breath. "We're leaving next month."

I chew my lip a little. "When?"

"In like 3 weeks."

"When will you be back?"

"Late October, early November."

I lean my head back against the seat. "Oh."

We ride in silence for a moment, until Michael speaks up. "So I want you to open that when I'm gone."

"What if I don't want to wait that long?"

"There's nothing stopping you, I just don't want to be with you when you open it."


"You'll see."

"Oh, that's not fair." I whine a little. Michael just laughs. "Wait, does that mean Lucas is going, too?"

"Well, yeah. We kinda need our lead singer." Michael rolls his eyes.

"The sass is unnecessary." I tap his shoulder. "But I don't think he's talked to mum yet.."

"He has."


"You heard me. He already talked to her."

"Then why didn't I know?"

"He thought I should be the one to tell you."


"Your mum is coming with us."


"Yeah. Luke's not an adult yet, so he needs a chaperone."

"But we'll be 18 in July."

"Doesn't matter." Michael laughs a little.

My mom, brother and boyfriend are leaving for almost 4 months? I know I should be happy for them, but I only feel emptiness, even though Michael is still right here beside me. "I'm really happy for you."

"You don't sound it."

"Well, how would you feel if I was leaving for four months?"


"Where are you going? Who are you touring with?"

"We're going with One Direction. We're going, well, everywhere."

"You're leaving the country??"


"Oh." I lean back in my seat again. "I hope you have fun."

"I'll try. It'll be hard, knowing you're not with me."

I feel tears start to form in my eyes, I close them and try to get them to go away. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore. Not right now."

"Okay, baby. What do you want to talk about?"

I think for a moment. "What's happening tonight?"

We talk about that until we pull up to my house. Basically, Michael is having his band over, and he's having Luke and Allie invite a couple more people. All of Allie's friends are also my friends, so I'm not too worried. Michael and I get to my house and he walks me to the door, then gives me a short kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tightly, never wanting to let go. Eventually, I do. "Bye, babe." I say.

"See you later, baby girl." He smiles a little, then leaves.

I go inside and go straight to my room to start packing for tonight.

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