Chapter 3

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"That was amazing! Great job, sissy." Luke gives me a hug.

"Thanks." I say, smiling and still trying to regain my breath. I drop my sports bag by my feet. "I'm so glad you came."

"Wouldn't miss it." He smiles. "Seriously, though! You did so well. MVP?"

"Of the game, yeah. Coach gave me a medal. The season? Probably not."

"Do you have to have a team meeting?"

"Not at the moment. We're gonna go out to dinner or something soon."

"Oh, nice."

I nod and slick my hair back. "Are you coming home?"

"Nah, I'm going to a friends house." He nods towards a group of 3 boys, all wearing black skinny jeans and beat up band shirts.

"Do you need anything from the car?"

"Uh, I don't think so, but I'll walk back with you." He picks up my sports bag.

"You don't have to!" I glance backwards where the remaining girls are walking towards their families and friends.

"I will. I'm a good brother." He laughs and gestures to the 3 boys to follow us. I shoulder my school bag and hold on to my lacrosse stick.

"Are they your band?" I say quietly.

"I'm not in a band."

"Dammit, Luke, I can hear you singing and practicing songs I've never heard. Ever. Don't lie to me." I whine a little.

He sighs obnoxiously. He throws my bag into the way back and I do the same. I get into the driver's seat and Luke leans against the door. "Alright. Since you've never lied to me, I'll tell you the truth."

"That's all I'm asking."

"Yeah, I'm in a band."

"I knew it! What are you guys called?"

Luke bites his lip slightly. "5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Why does that sound familiar?"

"Maybe you've heard our single. We're actually coming out with an album soon."

"Is that why all the girls have been hanging off of you recently?"

"Maybe. Or maybe it's just cause I'm hot."

"Nah, I'm thinking the first one. Now, I think your friends are getting impatient." I glance over at them, hanging around by a car. "I'm having some people over tonight. Do you need a ride or a pick up?"

"Not a ride, I'll go with them. Maybe a pick up, I'll let you know."

"Yeah, just text me."

"Got it. See ya later."

"Love ya."

"Right back at you." He smiles and closes the door. I start my car and drive up closer to the field. I park and watch Luke through my rearview mirror. He climbs into the backseat of the car with the 3 other guys, then they peel out of the parking lot. Call me over protective, but I like to make sure my brother is okay.

"Who was that?" My friend, Allie, asks, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Luke. Did your parents take your stuff?"


"Where are the others?"

"Kaitlyn and Kenny are riding behind us, right?"

"As far as I know. And the other three?"

"Is that them?" Allie points to the rearview mirror where Dylan, Jeff and Tristan are shoving each other around. They climb in the backseat of my car and I start to drive. I don't worry about Kaitlyn because she's been to my house a bunch of times.

"My car smells." I complain.

"Like what?" Tristan asks.

"Dirty lacrosse boys."

"Sorry we didn't have enough time to shower, your highness. You don't smell the best either." Jeff rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Guys, this is Allie. Allie, these are the guys. Tristan is behind me, Jeff in the middle and the other one is Dylan. Allie is new here, moved from America a little while ago." I scoff a little. "If you couldn't tell from the accent. Since she couldn't play, she managed the team. She's a year below us. Allie, they're all lacrosse players. Jeff's in your grade, the other two in mine."

"Nice to meet all of you." Allie says sweetly.

Dylan mumbles something to Jeff, causing him to laugh and mumble something back. "Come on, gents. We aren't in the first grade. Say it out loud." I say, a bit sternly.

Dylan blushes a little. "No."

I roll my eyes and turn the radio on. "Who's DJ?"

"I got." Jeff flicks his hand up and grabs the aux cord, plugging his phone in. We sing along to the music, turns out Allie is a really good singer. After a seemingly short drive, I pull into my driveway. Kaitlyn pulls right in behind. I grab my stuff from the back and have everyone follow me up to my room.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yell. "Luke's at a friends house."

"Okay, honey! Are people here?"

"Yep! We're going to my room."

"Alright! I'll be up in a few minutes."

I throw my stuff in the dirty clothes and stash my bags in the closet. Kaitlyn, Allie and I sit on my bed. Kenny and Jeff sit on the small couch and the other two sit in my fluffy chairs. We hang out for a little while, and after about an hour my mom comes up with snacks and drinks. I thank her and she leaves us alone until about 11:30, when she comes up to give the guys a warning, they need to be gone by midnight. After they're gone, I set up the couch so Allie can sleep on it and Kaitlyn and I share my bed. We are asleep by 1. It was a great ending to a great day.

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