Chapter 19

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A stunned silence shocks the room. My face turns bright red and I grab Michael's arm, yanking him back down so he is sitting. Michael cringes, chewing on his bottom lip. Dad grabs my glass, then storms to the kitchen, mum on his heels. I bury my face in my hands. "Oh no."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Michael mumbles.

"That's it." I sit back in the chair. "I'm dead."

"No offense, but yeah, you are." Luke says.

"We should probably go..." Kaitlyn says, then turns to Tristan. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure thing."

They get up and slip silently out the door, then I hear Tristan's car leave. Allie grabs Michael's hand. "Let's go."

"Yeah, one second." He walks into the kitchen. I hear him speaking to my parents, but I can't hear what he's saying. He reappears a minute later, gives me a hug, then him and Allie leave. Luke and I clear the table. I bring the dishes out to the kitchen while Luke disappears upstairs. My parents simultaneously turn and look at me.

"Uhm, hi." I mumble, then place the dishes in the sink, rinsing them off.

"Honey..." Mom starts, then sighs a little.

I turn and lean against the counter, facing mom and dad. "Yes?" I say sweetly.

She ponders for a second. "What is Michael to you?"

"My boyfriend." I'm not lying, he sort of asked me out over text. He told me he was going to plan something more grand, but he wanted to at least add the labels.

"Oh. Why didn't you tell us?" She asks.

"Well, we've only been dating for a little while. I wanted to make sure it was official before I said anything."

"Are you guys...intimate?" She asks.

I pause for a moment, then feel my face go red. My eyes drop to the floor. "Yes."

"So you shagged him before you became a couple?" Dad asks angrily.

"Yes." I repeat, not meeting either of their eyes.

"Honey, you've got a good thing going for you with your grades and your sports, you don't want to screw that up. I mean-" My mom starts, but I interrupt her.

"Mom. I'm being safe with him. I'm on birth control, which you knew, and we use protection. I don't want a kid." I say, hopefully not sounding too embarrassed.

"Excuse us for a minute." Mom says, then grabs dad's arm and drags him out of the kitchen. I turn back and finish the dishes, washing all of them completely, drying them, then I begin to put them away. I'm about halfway done when mom and dad return to the kitchen. I set down the rest of the dishes and lean against the counter again.

Dad crosses his arms and stares me down. "You're grounded."

I bite my tongue to avoid saying anything I'll regret. Mom speaks up. "Until finals are over, it is straight to school, then straight home. You got it?"

"Yes." I say, then dad leaves the room. I finish the dishes and mom grabs my arm.

"Honey, I'm really glad that you were honest with us. I know it must've been tough to admit that stuff. I trust you."

"Thanks mommy." I hug her.

"That's not what he calls you, is it?"


"Michael. As of tonight, we all know you call him daddy, does he call you mommy? Just wondering."

"Oh my goodness mother, no."

"Just cause it's kinda weird and-"

"Mom! Enough." I cover my ears and shudder.

She taps me on the butt and laughs. "Go upstairs and study. Lights out at 8. Get plenty of sleep."

I hug her again and thank her, then go up to my room. I prop up a textbook, then set my phone behind it. I alternate between studying and texting Michael.

TO MY galaxy ;)


From MY galaxy ;)

But you have your phone?

TO MY galaxy ;)

My parents aren't really strict about the 'grounded' thing. But I can't go anywhere until finals are over.

From MY galaxy ;)

What happened?

TO MY galaxy ;)

Well, they asked a bunch of questions. I basically told them that you're my bf and yeah, we had sex. I told them we're safe tho. Dads pissed, moms not too bad. Shes glad I was honest about everything.

From MY galaxy ;)

Finals are over thursday, right? I'll plan something for friday-saturday. My parents are leaving early friday evening for a meetings in america. I want you to meet them...

TO MY galaxy ;)

It's a date ;)

BTW, what did you say to my parents before you left??

From MY galaxy ;)

I just went in, shook hands with them, introduced myself formally (they kinda knew me from the band. Liz, mostly.) and told your father that I want you to be my girlfriend. Your mom liked that...I also apologized for what happened.

TO MY galaxy ;)

Aww, babee ;*

From MY galaxy ;)

It was the right thing to do. But I gotta go, I'm doing the thing.

TO MY galaxy ;)

can't wait to see it. Talk to you laterr ;*

From MY galaxy ;)

Bye. ;**

I study the textbook until my eyes are swimming, then I put it away, shut the lights off, lay back and pass out. 

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