Chapter 15

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I wake up in the morning and stretch. Michael is still sleep, his face buried in a pillow. I look around and grab a shirt off the floor, one of Michael's flannels. I pull it on over my pjs and button one of the buttons. I grab my hairbrush and start brushing out my hair. When I'm done, I go through my bag to look for shower stuff.

"Good morning." Michael speaks up.

"Morning, babe." I stand up and walk to the edge of the bed, leaning on it slightly. Michael sits up and pulls my chin forward, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"You look really good, baby girl."

"You like this?"

"I like you wearing my clothes." Michael leans back on his elbows. His eyes rest on something behind me, and he squints a little, then looks back at me.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna take a shower. Is that alright?" I ignore his weird actions.

"Yeah, sure. Bathrooms down the hall, to the right."

I start to turn, then look back at Michael. "I might need some help." I wink.

"It's pretty standard. It's a shower."

"Come with me, daddy." I whine a little. When he ignores me, I roll my eyes. What's gotten in to him? I turn around and stop dead in my tracks. "Luke?"

Luke's POV

I forgot something at Michael's house last weekend, so I figured it was time to get it back. Since Allie was at my house (she spent the night, but she had to stay in Shay's room), I had her bring me over. When we walked in, the house was eerily quiet.

"Normally he has music on in the morning."

"Strange." Allie chews her lip. She's been acting kind of weird all morning. "Where is the thing you're missing?"

"Up in Michael's room."

"Oh, uh, you might want to wait. He's probably sleeping."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I walk up the stairs, Allie tagging along behind me. I open the door to Michael's room and see Michael laying on the bed. A girl with long brown hair is standing in front of him, wearing one of his flannel's. I meet eyes with Michael and he makes a face, but we both stay quiet.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna take a shower. Is that alright?" The girl asks, she has a familiar voice.

"Yeah, sure. Bathroom's down the hall, to the right." Michael tells her, acting worried.

The girl almost turns around, then looks at Michael again. "I might need some help."

I almost laugh, but I stop myself. "It's pretty standard. It's a shower." Michael says, sounding bland.

"Come with me, daddy." The girl says. I knew it. I knew that Michael had a daddy kink, even though he never admitted it. But something about that girls voice...

She turns around and meets eyes with me. My jaw drops and her eyes widen. "Luke?" She says.


I can't believe it. I didn't think Shay would ever lie to me, that Michael would keep a secret like this from me. Rage fills my stomach and I shove Shay out of the way. She falls backwards and lands on the ground, but I don't really care right now. I lunge at Michael, pushing him back onto the bed. "What the hell, man?" I yell, raising my arm back and clenching my fist.

Shay's POV

So Luke found out. And he overreacted like crazy.

I watch as Luke's jaw clenches, then his eyes set on Michael. I step forward to stop him, but he shoves me and I lose my balance, tumbling to the floor. In no time I'm back to my feet, but Luke has already moved on. He's holding Michael down, his arm back.

I jump forwards, tackling Luke off of Michael, but not before he gets a good punch in. I can feel tears start to stream down my cheeks. "Luke! Stop it right now!" I say, holding his arms down.

"Get the fuck off of me, Shay. Right now." He says calmly.

I climb off of him and stand. Michael is up and standing off to the side. "Get out of here, Luke. Leave." I say to him.

He looks right past me, glaring at Michael.

"Leave!" I yell. "Get out!"

Luke looks down at me, his eyes softening. "Shay, are you ok? I didn't mean to-"

"Get the fuck out!" I yell, pointing at the door.

Luke opens his mouth like he's going to say something else, but he just shakes his head a little and leaves. Allie meets eyes with me and mouths something, but I couldn't make it out through the tears. She leaves, too, and after a moment I can hear the door downstairs open and shut.

I turn to Michael and laugh a little, but it's forced. "So, that went well." I say, choking back tears.

Michael doesn't say anything, just walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. He holds me close. "It's okay, Shay. You can let it out. I'm here for you."

I cry into his chest, unable to hold the tears back any longer. After a few minutes, I back away and wipe my eyes. "I'm so, so sorry Mikey. Are you okay?"

He rubs his jaw, which is bright red. "I'll be fine. It happens. But are you okay?"

I nod, then shake my head. "No, I'm not. I can't believe he would do that."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. Not at all."

We stand in silence for a minute, then Michael speaks up. "Do you still want to take a shower?"

"Oh, yeah." I reply.

"Let's go, then."

I grab my stuff and Michael takes my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine and pulling me towards the bathroom.

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