Chapter 24

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"I'm pulling in to your driveway right now." I say into the phone.

"Hurry up and get in here!" Allie sighs loudly. "I'm having wardrobe issues." She whines.

I roll my eyes and hang up. Kaitlyn and I grab our duffel bags from the backseat and head inside. Allie's mom greets us warmly and sends us right to Allie's room.

"Took you long enough!" Allie groans.

"Kaitlyn took forever." I tell her.

"I wanted to make sure I had options! Plus, you were late getting to my house." She glares a little.

"Luke was being annoying. Whatever. What's important is that we're here now." I take half her bed and start laying out the clothes I brought. Kaitlyn takes the 'loveseat' and does the same. Allie has the other half of the bed. "I know what I'm wearing for the bottom half." I say, pulling on my spandex shorts and black skirt. "Too predictable?" I ask.

"Nah, it's good." Kaitlyn says, barely looking up.

"Classy." Allie adds.

I roll my eyes and pick through my clothes, not really finding anything I want. "Be right back!" I say suddenly, then run downstairs and grab the package that Michael gave me earlier. I know he told me not to open it yet, but I can't help it. I go back to Allie's room and clear a spot on her bed to sit.

"What's that?" Allie asks immediately.

"I'm not quite sure." I laugh a little. Allie and Kaitlyn continue picking through all the clothes (including mine) and I open the package neatly. There is a note on top, I pull it out and read it.

I know you're not gonna listen to me and you'll open this before I leave. If you listened - I miss you soo much babygirl. If you didn't... I hate you. No - not really. I can't wait to see you again. Remember when I told you that I like you wearing my clothes? Well, here's the shirt I wore in the Don't Stop video. Enjoy.

I'll see you sooner than you think, babygirl.

Love, Michael G Clifford

I smile to myself, then set the note aside. I pull out the shirt, it's a white shirt with black 3/4 length sleeves and the word 'idiot' written across it in red. I pull on a white tanktop and put the shirt on over it. I fix my necklace and look in the package again. In it, there is one more small box. Of course, I open it. There is a simple silver charm bracelet with a drumset, a guitar, and the number 5. I put it on my right wrist, with Allie's help.

I go to the bathroom while the other two finish getting dressed. I brush out my hair, then loosely curl the ends. Michael likes it when I keep my hair down... When I finish my hair, I try and figure out what to do for my make up. I like to keep it simple, which I do by applying just a thin layer of black eyeliner. I go back to Allie's room, where they're both doing hair and make up.

Kaitlyn does mascara, as always. Her ginger hair has a crown braid in it. She's wearing black shorts and a low cut pink sleeveless shirt with a white tanktop underneath. Allie has her hair down down straight and perfect winged eyeliner. She's wearing a white skirt and my Simple Plan shirt.

"Nice shirt." I say to her as I grab all my stuff and throw it in my bag.

"Thanks. I don't really know them, but I like the design and it matches pretty well, so.."

I laugh and roll my eyes. Kaitlyn packs the rest of her stuff away, then looks at Allie. "When are we going over?"

"Whenever you're ready, I guess." Allie looks at her phone. "Michael texted me a few minutes ago saying to get over there, so we should probably go."

"Good idea." I say and grab the package off of Allie's bed. Something falls out of it and I grab it. A CD had fallen out. The picture on the front had both Michael and my brother on it, and the other guys in their band. I open it and a sticky note is attached to the actual CD.

This is our debut album. Enjoy, babygirl.

Love, Michael G Clifford

I grab the rest of my stuff and head to my car. Kaitlyn and I throw our stuff in the way back, then the three of us jump in the car. I put the CD in, then put the case in the glove box. I don't play the CD, just because the ride to Michael's house is way too short to actually enjoy a song.

In less than 3 minutes, I pull into Michael's driveway. The three of us make our way inside, where a few people are already hanging out. Let the party begin.

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