Chapter 25

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About 20-25 people end up showing up, not too big, not too small. We all just hang out, listening to music and drinking. As the night gets later, people filter out until there is a little more than 10 people left. We all end up in the living room with the couches all pushed to the sides, all of us sitting in a big circle.

"Let's play a game!" Someone suggests.

A few games are thrown out (Never Have I Ever, Spin the Bottle) but we end up choosing Truth or Dare, cause everyone knows how to play. We go around the circle, nothing really happening till it's Ashton's turn, who is piss drunk. "Shay."


"I dare you to get off on your man. Right here." He laughs a little, then hiccups.

"Alright. You guys can, uh, continue the game. You don't have to pay attention to this." I laugh uneasily, then turn and straddle one of Michael's legs. "Hey, daddy." I giggle.

"Hey, baby girl." Michael grins and wraps his arms around my back, holding me close. "Was this party any good?"

"Yes. Thank you." I smile and press my lips to his.

Allie's POV

I can't believe she actually took the dare. I mean, I know that she said she never backs down...but still. In front of all of us? Nasty. "Well, let's continue, I guess." I say, breaking the silence and drawing the attention to myself. We continue for a little while, quiet moans and grunts coming from the corner. Nothing really good happens, just some kissing, and Shay and Michael eventually come back to the circle.

"Michael, truth or dare." Luke asks, his face flushed. He's had quite a few to drink, but I think he's good. Michael chooses dare and Luke thinks for a moment. "Finger the girl next to you."

Shay frowns. "Luke, not right now." Her face goes red. "I'm sens-"

"Not you. Her." He juts his chin towards Kaitlyn.

Michael chews his lip and Shay goes silent. Mike grabs his drink and takes a long swig, then sighs. "Alright. It's a dare, yeah?" He shrugs and slips his hand down the front of Kaitlyn's pants. Man, if looks could kill..

I lean my head against Luke's shoulder as the others continue the game. "You know you just pissed her off, right?"

Luke shrugs. "Probably." He says, his words slurred slightly.

"Your 'best mate' is gonna get ripped into later."

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause he's fingering his girlfriend's best friend."


"So!? I would kill you. Good thing my best friend is your sister, so I don't have to worry about that." I pause for a second. "I don't, do I?"

"What the fuck?" Luke says, looking disgusted.


"Allie!" Calum yells.

"Hm? What?" I look at him.

"It's your turn to ask."

"Oh." I meet eyes with Shay. "Truth or dare, girl."


"I dare you Too Hot with a guy of your choice."

"Hm." She says, grinning. She stands up, then teasingly rubs her fingers on Michael's collar. Then, she turns to Calum, grabs him by the front of the shirt and pulls him to his feet. She leans against the wall and pulls him towards her. He places his hands on the wall, by her head, then leans in and kisses her.

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