Chapter 30

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*1 month later* - Shay's POV

I groan and get out of bed, shutting my alarm off. I change into dark Champion shorts and an old yellow basketball shirt with writing the same color as my shorts. I brush my hair out and pull it back into a ponytail, then grab my crutches and head downstairs. I hobble to the table and sit down, checking my phone.

From MY galaxy <3

Close As Strangers.

I frown and knit my eyebrows.

To MY galaxy <3

Kiss Me (kiss me)

From MY galaxy <3

Too Late

To MY galaxy <3

Good Girls

From MY galaxy <3


To MY galaxy <3

stoppp. Ilysfm.

From MY galaxy <3


To MY galaxy <3

To the moon.

From MY galaxy <3

And back.

I put my phone up and my dad comes in and gets me breakfast. "You about ready?" He asks.

I nod, shoveling the food into my mouth as fast as I can. "We leaving right after breakfast?"

"Yes ma'am."

I finish eating and my dad takes my plate to the sink. I mumble, "thanks," then go to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I brush my teeth, take my medicine and put on my foundation, then make my way to the living room. "You ready?"

"Just waiting for you."

We go out to the car and I take almost 5 minutes getting into my seat. Yeah, it takes awhile, but I've improved a lot since the first time I worked with these crutches. We drive to the airport and I sing along to the radio, drumming my fingers on the dashboard.

"Nervous?" Dad asks.

"Um, yeah. A little. Is that dumb?"

"Nah. It's been 4 months since you've seen him, and 3 of those were spent in a coma. The last time you saw him, you just got plowed into. I'd be a little bit nervous."

"Thanks for the reassurance, dad."

"No problem. Now what time is their flight coming in?" He asks, pulling into a parking spot.

I check my phone. "Right about now. Perfect amount of time for us to get in there."

"It only takes like 3 minutes to get to the baggage claim."

"Not with these bad boys." I laugh and climb out of the car. Dad and I take our time getting to the baggage claim. Butterflies start to flutter in my stomach. Dad and I wait in the large hallway between the baggage claim and the exit. Dad pulls out a little homemade sign that reads 'Hemmings and co.'

"When did you do that?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I was bored this morning and I had plenty of time."

"That works." I laugh, then sigh a little, staring towards the crowd of people that have started making their way over to the exit.

"They're coming."

"You see them?!"

"No, I'm just saying. Like, stop freaking out."

"You know I can't."

"Actually, you can."



"Stop sassing me!"


I roll my eyes and focus on the crowd again. Then, my heart skips a beat. A tall, broad-shouldered, blonde boy walks slowly through the crowd. He's wearing an old, ratty sweatshirt and some big sunglasses. Next to him, a perky woman spots us and smiles wide, speeding up a little.

To the right of both of them, a boy with an old hoodie and baggy sweatpants sweeps the crowds with his eyes. His lock with mine, then a smile breaks out on his face. He walks as quickly as he can, but he can't get through the crowd of people. Dad and I move towards them. "Go ahead, dad. I'll catch up."

"You sure?"


Dad quickens up, pushing through the people and making it to them. He grabs mom and Luke and pulls them to the side, out of the way. He hugs Luke first, then he grabs on to mom and doesn't let go. I hobble towards all of them, but I give up. Michael breaks away from the rest of them and comes over to me.

He drops his bags and wraps his arms around me tightly. I sob slightly, my face buried into his chest. We stand like this for a little while, until Michael leans back a little. "Hey." He says, kissing my forehead.

I laugh a little, then pull my arm away to wipe my eyes. "Hey." I smile at him.

"You look beautiful."

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, no I don't. You!" His hair is no longer colored like the galaxy, it's a light pink color.

Michael laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I forgot to tell you!"

"It really looks good, babe." I run my fingers through his hair, grasping it by the base of his neck. "I don't think you realize how much I missed you."

"I definitely missed you more." He snakes his hand behind my back and pulls me close. I angle my head up and he tilts his down, pressing his lips against mine. I kiss him back, it's been 4 months and I've missed his touch. I move a little, causing one of my crutches to crash down. I pull away from Michael, embarrassed. "I got it." He says, leaning down and picking it up.

The other 5 walk over to us. "Are you guys ready to go?" Luke asks.

I nod. "How are we splitting up? We're not all gonna fit in dad's car."

"My car is here." Mom says. "I'm gonna let Luke drive it so I can catch up with dad. The rest of you can go with Luke."

"Alright." I say.

"Luke, you can put your bags in dad's car, then go around and drop them off at their houses. I'm sure that they want to see their parents and just rest a little."

"Okay, mom." Luke says. We all walk out to dad's car and Luke loads his stuff in. Then, we leave mom and dad and go to the other car. The boys all load their stuff into the back and we pile into the car. Calum sits in the passenger seat, Ash in the backseat with Michael and I. Mike sits in the middle and I grab his hand and lean against his shoulder.

"I missed all of you guys." I say. "How did everything go?"

They all start talking loudly and telling me all kinds of different stories. I try and pay attention to all the different stories, even though it's a little overwhelming. "I'm so jealous. It sounds like you guys had a great time."

"We did!" Michael says. "But I wish you were there. Next time."

"Next time?"

Michael shrugs. "We're on the up and coming. We'll probably have more tours."

My stomach drops. "Oh. Yeah."

I try my hardest to be happy for them, but it's just so hard. What if Michael finds someone else? I mean, he's a famous rockstar. He's gonna find some hot model or actress and completely forget about me. It's hard to think about..

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