Chapter 11

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"Shay, I-" Michael starts, but I cut him off.

"Shh. Don't talk. Don't ruin it." I laugh a little.

He rolls his eyes and shuts the car off. We're parked in my driveway, waiting for the others to pull in beside him. The other car pulls up and shuts off. I go to climb out of the car, but Michael grabs my arm. "Wait."

"What?" I look back at him.

"You got, uh.." He wipes a thumb across my chin and mouth, then laughs. "Carry on."

"Oh my god, that was so embarrassing." I can feel my cheeks heat up, then I get out of the car. Allie and the boys follow me into the house. They all go into Luke's room to hang out. "Be right in." I say, disappearing into my own room.

I quickly take off my skirt, pulling on my black field hockey sweat pants. I walk across the hall where everyone is sitting. Luke is sitting on his bed, Allie is next to him, her head rested on his chest. Michael is on the opposite side of the bed from them. I meet eyes with him and he rolls his dramatically. Ashton and Calum are on Luke's couch. I scrunch my nose, not knowing where to sit. I walk over to the couch and sit between the two boys, my legs across Ash and my back on Cal. I lay my head against the arm rest on the couch and sigh loudly. "This is comfy."

"For you, maybe." Cal whines.

"It's not that bad for me." Ash says, drumming his hands on my legs.

Luke whispers something to Allie and she looks up at him, grinning. She nods a little, then whispers something back. I roll my eyes. "You know, secrets don't make friends. What happened on the car ride here?" I ask, looking up at Calum.

"Flirting and flirting. Non-freaking-stop. You have no idea, Shay. We should've ridden with you." Cal shakes his head, closing his eyes a little.

"It was horrible, Shay." Ashton complains.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"It was probably better than our ride, though." Michael says. "Shay wouldn't talk to me."

"I tried! You were the one that wasn't saying anything."

"I'm pretty sure that I was the only one saying anything."

Well, he's not wrong...I ignore his comments and just shake my head. I meet eyes with Michael and he winks at me. "Alright! Well, why don't we do something instead of just sitting here with our dicks in our hands." I roll my eyes and sit up.

"Vulgar." Ash says. Him and Cal scoot over a little so I am sitting comfortably between them.

"How about truth or dare?" Allie suggests.

"If that's what you want to do, I'll do it." Luke smiles at her.

"Aww." She nuzzles her head into his chest.

"Aaaand I'm gonna throw up. You two are disgusting." Michael says.

"Couldn't agree more." I say, my eyes locked on his.

"Are we gonna play or not?" Ash asks.

"Sure." Calum shrugs. "Truth or dare, Mikey."


"I dare you to put an ice cube in each of your pockets and keep 'em there until they melt." Cal smirks.

"Alright, let's go. Next person can go ahead."

Michael and Calum leave the room, presumably headed to the kitchen. "Okay, I'll take it from here. Allie, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare." She meets eyes with me and mouths 'please'.

I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically. I feel like I've been doing that a lot, lately. "Make out or whatever it is you guys do."

"Gladly." Luke pulls her into his lap, tilting his head down and pressing his lips against hers. They remain motionless for a moment, then their lips start to move together. Allie wraps her arms around Luke's neck pulling him closer to her.

"They're gonna be like that for a while." I say to Ash.

"Oh, yeah. What shall we do in the meantime?"

"I dunno."

At that moment, Michael and Calum burst into the room. Michael's pockets are wet and his face is pale. "It's effing cold." He pouts.

Calum laughs and takes his seat again, and Michael does the same. He makes a face at the couple. "What did we miss?" Cal asks.

"Not much, obviously. They just needed a little nudge to get going. We all knew it would happen before the night was over." Ash giggles.

"My turn." Luke says, still looking into Allie's eyes, his face inches from hers. "Alright, sis. Truth or dare."

"You know I never back away from a good dare." I laugh.

"I dunno make out with Calum or something." He says, then kisses Allie's nose.

I look at Michael. 'I'm sorry.' I mouth, frowning a little. I turn and look at Calum. "You know you don't have to. I won't be mad." Cal smiles a little.

"Do it, pussy." Luke says. I look over and he's actually facing us, his mouth off of Allie. "What happened to never backing down from a dare? I've never seen you chicken out. Well, there's a first for everything."

I squint my eyes and glare at Luke. "Screw you. I'm not a pussy like you." I say and straddle Calum. "Don't look so upset." I laugh.

"What am I supposed to do? Jump for joy?" Cal places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him. "Better?"

"Yes." I put my hands on his face and pull it towards mine, kissing him softly. His fingers dig into my hips, holding me tight to him. His kisses get hungry and I match his pace, biting his lip slightly. He slides his tongue into my mouth and kisses me deeply.

"Alright, that's enough. Break it up." Luke says loudly.

I kiss Calum for another minute or so, then pull my face away from his. He smiles at me, releasing his grip on my hips. I flip over and lean back in my seat. "So, who's turn now?" I ask.

"I'll go." Michael says, his voice a little raspy. "Ashton, truth or dare."

We play for another hour or so. Luke and Allie barely separate, and when they do it's only long enough to take their turn. When we finish, Allie and I go to my room. We talk for a little while, but we fall asleep pretty quickly.

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