Chapter 4

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"I'm adding you to the group chat." I laugh and unplug my phone from the charger.

"Oh, god, don't do that to the poor girl!" Kaitlyn pretends to look shocked.

I roll my eyes and send out a text, telling the guys that I'm adding Allie. I do, then I put my phone away. "Is it annoying?" Allie asks.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Like are you guys always on it?"

"Nah, just when we want squad to get together." I grin.

"Aw, so I'm part of a squad now? I'm feeling so welcomed."

"Good." Kaitlyn stretches. "I gotta go, dude."

"Why?" I whine a little.

"My parents need me home. They're both headed to work and I need to watch the little sis."

"Ugh. Can't your brother do it?"

"He's not home this weekend. He's staying at university."

"Lame. My mom's making breakfast, do you wanna stay for that?"

She clicks her teeth together. "Sure. I have to leave right after that though." She grabs her stuff and we all go downstairs. I sit at the table and Kaitlyn gives my mom a hug. "Hi mom! How are you?"

"Oh, Kaity! I'm great." My mom squeezes her then goes back to cooking. "Did you girls get enough sleep last night? You did great in the game!"

"Thanks ma, yeah we're good." I say.

"Of course." Mom hands out fully loaded plates. "Now, who are you?"

"My name's Allie."

"You're not from around here, are you?"

Allie laughs a little. "No, I moved from America."

"Wow. Where in America?"

"Northern New York, close to Canada."

"Well. I hope you enjoy Australia!"

"Thank you, ma'am."

Mom looks at me. "Respectful, too. You could learn from her."

"Mom." I groan a little.

We eat our breakfast and Kaitlyn leaves. Allie and I go to my room and listen to some music. "You're a good singer." I smile.

"No, you are. But thanks."

My eyes light up. "Wanna do something awesome?"

She gives me a look. "What?" She says slowly.

"Follow me!" I grab her arm and practically drag her into the garage. While we're walking up the stairs, I make a face. "You don't know guitar, do you?"

"Uh, kinda. I know some basic chords and-"

"Good enough!" I smile.

"Why?" I don't answer, just finish walking up the steps to the practice room. "Woah. This is cool!"

"Thanks." I walk over to my drumset. "This is my baby."

"Whose are these?" Allie points to the guitars that line the wall.



"One's missing. He must've taken it with him to his friends house, but I don't remember him bringing it to school yesterday." I pick out one that is completely average- not too old, not too overused, not too flashy or expensive. "Here." I hand it to Allie.

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