Chapter 27

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Michael's POV

"I remember the day you told me you were leaving

I remember the make up running down your face

And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them

Like every single wish we ever made."

Luke nods at me and I nod back. I cut in and grab the mic. "I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories that never can escape.

'Cause I'm not fine at all."

Luke and I finish the song strongly. "No I'm really not fine at all.

Tell me this is just a dream

Cause I'm really not fine at all."

I can feel a tear slip out from the corner of my eye and I quickly wipe it away before anyone notices. It's too late, Calum saw. He walks over and grabs me in a hug. "It hurts us, too, man." He says. When he pulls away, his eyes are watering.

"It's all my fault, Cal. It's all my fault." I wipe my eyes again.

"Yeah. It is." Luke says angrily, grabbing his guitar and walking off stage. I reluctantly follow, not wanting anyone to see me cry. I make my way to my dressing room, fall on the couch and break down.

Calum's POV

Man, this whole thing is killing us. The band is falling apart. This is the third show that this has happened. I grab the mic from my stand. "I'm sorry, guys. We're having some...difficulties. We're very sorry, and we love you so much. Thank you for coming out."

The tour was going okay, Michael and Luke were upset, but it got even worse when we got a call from back home. Shay had slipped into a coma and the doctors weren't sure if she was gonna come back out.

When she got hit by that car so much damage was done. 3 snapped ribs, a broken arm, fractured femur, a bruised skull, a major concussion, internal bleeding in the brain and stomach and major damage to her internal organs. They still haven't found the person that was driving...

Once the news reached us, Michael stopped. Everything. He wouldn't come out of his room, he wouldn't eat and he barely talked to us. He started blaming himself and Luke hasn't been much help. He's so mad at Michael, words can't describe. He also blames him for his sister's accident, but the rest of us don't. Michael won't listen to reason; it was the drivers fault, not his.

Ashton and I look at each other, then exit the stage. People go to collect Ash's drums and the mic stands. Ashton goes to Michael's dressing room to speak to him and I go to Luke's room, like we've done every time. I knock twice, then walk in. "Oi, mate." I say, sitting down in his chair.

"Leave me alone, Cal. I don't wanna hear it." Luke puts his guitar back in the case and lounges across the couch.

"What do you mean?"

"You're gonna give me shit for saying something to Michael, even though what I said was true. Everyone knows that he killed my sister."

"Okay, first off, she isn't dead. Alright? And she's not gonna die, you got it?" I say angrily.

"Yeah, sure, mate. Whatever you think."

"And nah, it's not Michael's fault. He wasn't driving the car that hit her, yeah?"

"No, but he did provoke her. And you know I'm right. You all know I'm right."

"Luke, he's beating himself up enough. We just need to be here for him."

"I don't want to be here for him. You can leave now."


"Now, Calum."

I open my mouth to speak, then leave. Nothing good is gonna come from more arguing.

Michael's POV

When that car hit her, my world stopped. I froze as she got hit, dropped underneath, then fell under the tires. The car stopped, but it was too late. I immediately ran over to her and held her to me as the car sped away. At first, she was screaming, then the screaming stopped.

"Michael - baby - hold me." She said weakly.

"I am, babygirl. I am." Tears started sliding down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I want -" She started coughing and blood dripped out of her mouth. "I want you to know that I love you, Michael Clifford. I love you so much and I'm sorry that it took this for me to tell you."

"I love you, too, Shay Hemmings. Just you wait. We're gonna get you to the hospital." I tried to find my phone but it wasn't in my pocket.

"Michael, I'm dying. But I love you, alright? I wanted to tell you that before - before -" She began coughing again.

"Don't talk like that, Shay. You're gonna be fine." I picked her up and held her to my chest. I stood and carried her to the house and grabbed the phone.

"To the moon." She rasps.

"And back." I say to her, my voice cracking.

"Michael, what the hell is going on?" Ashton asked loudly.

"Shay - car - hospital -" I spat out. I dialed the number and called for an ambulance. Less than 5 minutes later, one pulled into my driveway. They took Shay from my hands and wouldn't allow me on the ride.

"Just stay here, Mr. Clifford. She's not gonna have visitors for a while, alright? We'll call you." The man said to me, then they left. They left me there, broken and confused, with my babygirls blood covering my shirt. The girl that I love.


"Coming in, Mike." Ashton says from outside the door.

I sit up and wipe my eyes. Ashton comes in and sits next to me on the couch. "You alright, mate?"


"It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was!"

"You weren't driving the car."

"No, but I am the one that made her walk into it. Ashton, if I hadn't been so damn stubborn, I'd only be missing her, not having to worry that the only girl I've ever loved might be dying. It's my fault she walked into that car, it's my fault that she's in the fucking coma and it's my fault that death might be in her near future. Do you have any idea what that feels like? My heart's been ripped from my chest. The only one that's smart enough to realize that this is my fault is Luke, and that's only because his heart was crushed as well. It's my fault, Ashton, and I'm never gonna forgive myself."

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