Chapter 2: Moody son Cheery Father

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The rest of the day at school was, as it was expected to be, boring. David, John, and Lucy decided to go their separate ways and meet up at Rengi's. And so, just as David expected it to happen, his boring day is about to get irritating.

The ride home was a short one. David is glad that he has a license. And so, it took him about 15 to 20 minutes to drive home in his blue 2013 Mustang, a car he spent a year in a half working at the community grocery store. David loved working there. The grocery store is called Hectors. It's a thriving business and everyone is friendly. It's part grocery store, part restaurant. People sometimes come there just to talk and/or relax. The food is great, the service is excellent. Best of all, it helped him when it came to buying the mustang.

And so, he drove down the road. He passed several houses, some old, some newer than most. The people who live in them were nice and friendly, but sometimes he noticed the behavior they tried to hide from him. He lives almost outside the town. The house he lived in wasn't as fancy as most of the houses he has passed, but home is still home. He actually like where he lives. Almost outside of town. As though the town is trying to get rid of him. Even if he still feels as though he doesn't belong.

He didn't mind at all. Even though the person he lives with is a nut. He arrived at home, where someone he didn't want see is on the front porch. His Dad. He always lived with his dad. He never met or even saw his mom. He never even heard much about her, except from the stories his father told him.

His father approached him with a smile.

"Hey son. How was school?"

David instantly didn't like how this was going.

"School was fine, dad." He said with a irritated tone. His father just patted him on his shoulder, smiling even wider. He then asked.

"That's great, how's John and Lucy?"

They're fine as well. I have plans to meet up with them later." He replied.

"That's great." He said with an excitedly.

Then they entered their house. Its a lot bigger on the inside. The living room is big, with 2 recliners and a nice and large comfy couch and also has a decent size flat screen tv with a HD DVR. The kitchen was nice as well. No dishes in the sink, knife sets full,  the frigerator stocked with fresh produce and drinks, the kitchen table set with nice mats. Their house is a 2 story house. Kitchen and living room along with a downstairs bathroom makes up the 1st floor, while 2 bedrooms with bathrooms attached make up the 2nd floor. The hallways and stairway walls are covered with nice and elegant pictures and paintings. His father is a collector of nice pictures and paintings. His father calls it a habit. David calls it a hoarding of pictures.

But in their house, there is not one. Not a single picture that is a picture of his mother. He wondered about that. He asked his father why they don't have a single pic of his mom. When his father is asked this question, he's met with a pause, then a regular excuse of "she didn't like her picture being taken", and then changes the subject to something else.

Funny thing is, he doesn't even know who or what his mother even looked like. He never saw her. Not even once. His father told him that she loved him. Truly loved him. Sometimes, he has doubts. Sometimes he thinks that he doesn't even have a mother, that all he ever had as family was a crazy, over-happy dad.

Thinking of this just fouls his mood even more. As he enters the kitchen he opened the frig and takes out a Pepsi, one of his favorite drinks. He popped it open and took a sip. Feeling the fuzzy beverage as it entered his mouth made him feel a little better. Only a little.

He noticed that his father was looking at him. With his hand on his beard. His dad looked to be in his early 50's.  Age beginning to catch up to him. Red hair fading to gray at its edges. No wrinkles on his face. Lean muscles still strong. He looked and moved as though he's in his 30's. His eyes though, weren't at all like David's. His eyes were brown. "He must get his eyes from his mother." David thought. He then questioned him.

"What's up? Why are you staring at me?" His tone was that of annoyance. His fathers facial expression was hard to discerned under that large beard of his. But he was able to see that he had a serious, or rather, stern facial expression. But that look was instantly gone as his father was smiling wide.

"Nothing's wrong, son. I have tell you that Mr. McMillan called to inform me to let you know that he wants to meet you in the morning before your first class starts. Something about an extra assignment you wanted to talk to him about."

David gasped. Then he grins.

"He wants to talk to me about what I asked before I left his classroom."

He turns away. Then says, "maybe he'll allow me to do that idea i told him about in class. Instant A to be sure."

He usually didn't care about work or assignments. But the idea he want to do for last class assignment made him actually want to do the assignment. Mr.  McMillan is his 12th grade English Teacher. He usually dislikes the class cause of the work, but for the last assignment, the teacher told the class that if they have any ideas and actually do it, he'll look at it and give a grade. If the work is great, he may do more.

David wanted to talk to about it with his teacher about it. He wanted to write a small book. More like a short story or a idea for a book. If Mr. McMillan likes it, he may show it to a publisher and he may have a book published.

He then said to his dad.

"Thanks for telling me, dad." A little smile on his face. His dad just had to ruin it by jumping up in the air and start yelling "yeah, yeah". Can't his dad nothing good. He'll just ruin it.

"Yeah, that's my son. The opportunist. What's the idea?"

His moody expression returned.

"I wanted to talk to him about writing a book, even if it's just a small one for the assignment. If he likes it, he may get it published." He said with a with a low voice.

His dad just smiled some more.

"That's great." Smile ever getting wider.

David just turned away and walked up stairs. 10 minutes later, he comes up stairs with new clothes on.

As he heads for the door, his father stops him.

"Where you going?"

He replied with a moody expression. "I'm going to meet up with John and Lucy. Were gonna hang out at Rengi's."

His father smiled.

"Alright. Have a great time. Say hello to John and Lucy for me." He said as he stepped outside to let him leave.

As David approached the mustang, he replied glumly.

"I will. See you later."

David gets in his car and drives off. His father stayed outside, watching as son drove off. He was still smiling. As his his son got far enough away, his smile died. His face turned more serious.

"His transformation will begin soon. A couple of weeks left. 2 at the most, but it may happen sooner. But who knows."

He then stroked his beard.

"It's just only a matter of time." He said. "Only a matter of time."

He turns around and enters back into his house.

Chapter is a little long. Sorry it took me a little longer. The app is acting up. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment. How's that for a twist. The father's facade begins to fade. What'll happen next? Wait and find out.

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