Chapter 6: Risa the Rescuer

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Rise just smiled when she heard her name. She looked at the John and Jason. With a little amusement, she responded.

"Hey John. And hey to you too, Jason."

Then she spies the rest of the serpentine men. Her smile disappeared. Moments after the serpentine leader hit the ground, the nine who stood by him were also cut down. She looked out at the rest of the serpentine men. She figured that the snakes would strike first. The snake always slithers and sneaks before he strikes.

"Slazer never fails to try to strike the first strike. To go it the easy way. Preemptive strike was inevitable. Sneaky bastard." She thought.

She turn her head and spoke to one of the men she brought. "Take 3 or 4 men and take David and the others to the base. We'll take care of rest of these creatures."

The same man spoke to 3 of the men and they rushed to the group. The man, along with the other three and David's group dashed away, Risa and the remaining 16 stayed. Then, she entered her armored mode. Her entire body became entombed in silver grey armored scales. Then her large silver wings appeared on her back. She just smiled dangerously.

"Let's have some fun. Shall we?"


David couldn't believe what he saw as he, John, Lucy, Jason and the 4 soldiers were rushing along through the forest. That woman was the most interesting thing he has ever seen. Partially because he realized that she wasn't human.

Her eyes were green. Emerald green. And her hair is long and it's color was white. Snow White. Her face looks like a normal woman's face. But the rest of her body was an entirely different story. On both sides of her head and under her head thorn-looking scales stood out. And her skin looks to be cover in thin, smooth looking scales. Smooth bronze plating cover her privates. But apart from that, she looked as though she was naked. Her hands are a little different. From up to the back of her wrist, her hands look to have bronze looking scales over her hands. At the end of each finger was long and sharp claws. And for her legs, only the bottom and half way up her legs were like her hands. Bronze covering scales down to her feet. But the biggest part was her tail. Yes, a tail. Her tail is long and scaly as well. At the end was a metallic sharp tip with tiny spikes. Her tail wasn't that large.

Yeah. Definitely not human. David didn't know what she was. But he had a sense, or rather, a feeling that he knew her. However, he can't remember. From behind, he can hear the screams of the mysterious serpentine men. John was running right beside him.
He asked him.

"Hey John, who or what was that back there?" He had a feeling that John knew who or what that thing was.

John looked at him, facial expression sullen. He looked as though he was hiding something.

"That was Risa. Don't worry. She's an ally." He replied.

He wanted to ask John and Jason how they know her, but he was cut off from what he was about to ask when the lead guy, the guy that spoke with Risa, spoke.

"Don't worry, David. You'll be fine. We're taking you and everyone to a safe place. And don't worry about Risa. She can take care of herself. By the way. I'm Riley. The one at the back is Hugo. The large man with the small head on your right is Fred."

Fred just gave him the middle finger when Riley looked back. Riley finished introductions.

"And the woman on your left is Sanchez."

David replied. "Nice to meet you, I guess. Anyways, where are we going?"

Riley replied while they were jogging.

"We'll be there shortly. Just keep running."

"Alright." David said. He is buzzing with questions. But he figured he will ask them later. For now though, he'll just follow Riley to 'God only knows' where.


"That's the last of them." She said as she wiped the blood off her claws and skin. She's back in her smooth scale/skin now. Wings gone. The scale armor gone. Everything is back to normal. She hears a soldier named Chris approach her.

"He surely has grown, hasn't he?" He said. She replied with a shrug.

"He sure has. His transformation will begin soon. Any day now."

"I wonder what he'll look like after the transformation. How different will he become?"

She stopped from cleaning for a second. After a few seconds, she returned to cleaning her scales.

"Who knows." She responded. "I don't know what to expect from him. But he is the queen's son. He may become something new or different. But what I wonder is what he'll look like if and when that thing awakens.

Chris looked confused. "What do mean? He'll have another transformation? And what thing are you talking about?"

She just face palms herself. Very dangerous with those scales and claws.

"I shouldn't have said that. Never mind. Forget about it."

She gave the rag to one of the other soldiers. Then she spoke.

"Let's return to base. We mustn't keep them waiting."

Risa and the rest of the soldiers then ran at high speeds. Heading back towards the base.


They arrived at what appeared to be an old abandoned building connected to a cave on the side of a mountain. It took him a few seconds to realize what this place is. Or rather, what this used to be.

"Isn't this the Brinston-Dornal Mine?" He asked.

Riley looked back. "Yep. This is it. It was abandon in the late 1950s. There was a cave in but fortunately there was no fatalities. They left it closed for safety for almost 40 years. It was reopened in the early 1990s to see if there was any minerals or gold or anything left again. Then it closed again in 1995. But then we reopened it for an entirely different reason in 2000, when something huge happen."

"What" David asked.

Riley looked back at him and smiles.

"You'll see."

10 minutes later, Risa returned with the rest of the soldiers. He gets a closer look at her now. Her scales are, to be honest, beautiful. Her scales look smooth. It looked as though they weren't even scales but skin.

She knew that he was judging her, cause she smiled.

"I know I look odd, David."

He looks back up at her face and puts hands behind his back and turns his head.

"Sorry. It's just that you interesting." He said. In a low voice, he also said. "And very beautiful."

She blushed.

"Why thank you. And thanks for that comment you said in a low voice too."

She laughed when she saw his facial expression. He tried to apologize, but she stopped him.

"Don't worry about it." She said.

They walked inside. Inside the building, they saw what looks to be an old elevator. Risa walk to a booth near the elevator and hit a secret switch. The elevator doors opened to reveal the entrance to a larger elevator. A decoy. Risa walked in front and said.

"Everyone inside."

To David, she said. "After you."

Everyone entered the elevator. Instead of going up, it when down. And it continued to go down. All the while, David wonders what is awaiting him when those doors open. He doesn't know. But he'll find out. And so, they wait in the elevator as it descends into darkness.

What did you think of Risa? Also, what do you think of what could await David when those elevator doors open. Don't forget to vote or comment.

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