Chapter 9: The Dragon Awakens; David's Tranformation

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The entire base shook. It felt like the base was hit by a very powerful gust of wind. People fell to the ground. Some structures shook and others fell. Michael fell against the wall of his office.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

Then his phone ring.

"Michael." The voice called. It was Risa.

"What is it Risa? We just go hit by an enormous wave of energy." He said.

"I know. Send men to David's room immediately."

"What? Why?" He asked.

"It has begun, Michael. It has begun." Was the last thing she said before she hung up. His eyes grew wide. "So it is beginning." He thought. He rushed over to the microphone and clicked the button.

"All security members, code Zero. I repeat. All security members, code Zero. Get to David's room immediately!"


Theron was on one knee while having one gauntlet hand on the wall as Lucy was leaning with her back on the wall.

"What was that?" Lucy asked.

He shook his head. "I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling we're about find out."

As on cue, the alarms went off and security member rushed passed the room. Michael's voice appears from speakers.

"All security members, code Zero. I repeat. All security members, code Zero. Get to David's room immediately!"

His eyes grew wide when he heard code zero.

"What's code Zero? What's going on?" She asked with a worried voice.

He rushes over to her and picks her up and puts her on her feet. He grabs her hand and they jet out the room. "And where are we going?" She also asked.

"It has begun. The Transformation. David is changing." He said with a hasty voice.


"Yes. We must hurry. We need to get there now!"

And so they ran up the stairs and down the hallway where a large group of security personnel are huddled around a door on the right at the ended of the hallway. The door was destroyed. Part of the walls with it. Theron and Lucy went through the crowd of security personnel and entered the room. They both look around. The room was pretty much destroyed.

"What the hell happened in here?"

His eyes fall on Risa.

"Risa, what happened in here? "

She looked at him and then back at where she was looking.

"Just look over there?"

Theron and Lucy turned their heads. Then their eyes widened and they both gasped. At the room was a very large orb made entirely of flames.

Lucy gasped again.

"What is that?"

Risa replied. "That is David."


"Yes" Theron said. "That is David. The process has begun. He, as of this moment, has begun changing."

The Dragon King Chronicles: David and the Jewel of DraconosWhere stories live. Discover now