Chapter 7: Secrets Locked, Now Revealed

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(To RedDragon09 who's been a great help in the past chapters. This is for you)


It took the elevator 6 minutes to get to where they were going. All the while, he wondered what awaits him when those doors open. Will it be bad or good? Or what will take place? Questions like these keep coming to him. But he did know that he'll find out soon enough.

The elevator came to stop. It said b-floor: 70. That's far from the surface. 5 kilometers to be exact from the mantle. He braced himself for whatever was behind those doors.

The elevator doors opened. What he saw was very surprising. Also, it cause him to look around with awe on his face. Only one word came out of his mouth.


Risa just laughed. "Yeah. It's a lot to take in."

The reason why the elevator went so far was because the after the 20th floor down was when the ceiling started. Upon exiting the elevator, they entered the Megadome. It's an underground building that is fit to house either over 500,000 to 1 million people, or some of the nation's or even the world's biggest secrets. Emphasis on the word 'world', because in the Megadome, there were multiple flags from different nations: U.S.A., Russia, UK, France, Germany, China, Japan, Italy. There were more.

He wasn't the only one speechless. Lucy was as well. But surprisingly, he noticed that John and Jason weren't surprised by this place. Word of their arrival must have came fast, because everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at David and the others.

He haven't noticed that they exited onto a grated walkway and there were several more levels under them. He missed it when he walked out of the elevator and just looked up. Place is a lot bigger than he thought.

Then he noticed that several men were walking on the platform, heading towards their group. Risa placed her hand on his shoulder and then stepped forward, to meet the approaching men. A couple of seconds later, the men stopped in front of him. He noticed that the man in front must be the boss or something.

The man in front was dressed in a a normal black and white suit and tie outfit, whilst the 4 men following him wore military uniforms. Risa walked up and stood by the man in the suit and tie. The man spoke.

"Ah. So this is David." He spoke with a formal accent. He then looked the soldiers. "You soldiers are no longer needed at the moment. You are dismissed."

The soldiers saluted the man and then left to do whatever they needed to do. It was just David's group left. The man looked past him and towards Jason.

"Good job, Agent Jason. You did a great job raising him. It is also great that you guys made it here safely."

David is shocked by what he said. He directly looked at his dad. His dad was an agent? Jason just nods at the man. Then he said with humor.

"Yes sir. It was fun to irritate from time to time. Heh heh."

The shocked look on David's face turned into a glare. Then back to a shocked expression as he asked his dad.

"You're an agent? My dad's an agent."

His dad's facial expression went from happy to serious. All sense of humor died. He then spoke to David.

"Yes, David. I'm an agent. Or rather, a special agent. I been tasked to guard and protect something very special. However," he said his tone getting grave. "I'm not your father."

Such a blow. And such a blow to his stomach. David eyes grew wide and full of disbelief.

"You're not my father?" He asked.

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