Chapter 18: Infiltration and Sabotage

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Outside the building and on the surface, the guards were ambushed one at a time. Each one of their throats was cut opened. The serpentine soldiers, 20 in all, took the dead guards and stripped them. They left the forest wearing the guard's uniform. The leader of the group stepped forward and turned around and spoke.

"Your orders are to find the orbital defense relays and disable them. Then you're to disable the photon cannon generators. And your last order is to find and capture Orion. He must be taken alive. Kill the rest. You have your orders. Now. Let's go."

He click the hidden controls to the elevator. Then they all enter the elevator. Then the elevator goes down. When they get to the bottom and the door opens, they all disperse and when everywhere. One of the inner guards sees them. They killed him instantly and hid his body. They continued on their way to the relay systems. 3 of serpentine soldiers head towards David's room, 2 headed towards Sora's room, 5 headed to the relay systems, 3 headed to the cannon generators, 7 when on assassination mission. The 3 who headed to David's room found out that he wasn't there but met Theron. The 2 soldiers that went to Sora's room went down the hallway.


Sora sat with David and Lucy, working on the homework, they were suppose to do earlier. They are unaware of the impending danger that's about to unfold.

Finally, they finished the homework and just sat there and just talked.

"I have to admit. That Hunter was really scary." Sora said.

"Was it really?" Lucy asked.

"It was pretty big and very dangerous." David said. "Fortunately, Risa and Theron were there."

"Yeah. It's a good th--" she stops as the door was rammed.

They all got on their feet. The door was rammed a second time. Then a third time. And finally, after the fourth time, the door broken off its hinges and fell to the floor. Then 2 guards rushed forward and attacks them. David engaged one of them as Lucy fought the other one to protect Sora. Fortunately though, Lucy was a good fighter. She dodged his dagger and systematically disarmed him and caught his dagger and stabbed him in the throat. David was waiting on her to finished. "Geez, what took you so long Lucy."

"How did you defeat him so quickly?" Sora asked. Then she noticed the giant hole in his chest. Then she noticed his hand is still on fire. "You stabbed him the heart with a fiery punch?"

"Yes. I stood the rest of the fight watching you." He said as he extinguishes the fire on his arm.

She looked at the dead guards. She saw lines on their faces. Then she saw that it has Rattlesnake eyes. When Lucy saw them, she shrieked. "David."

"Yes." He said with a serious face. "They are serpentine forces. We've been infiltrated. We need to warn the others."

The trio exited the room and ran down the hallway.


Theron was holding the throat of one of the guards, while another was crumpled on the floor, dead. There was another one still standing.

"How the hell did the serpentine soldiers get inside the Megadome?" He said as he crushed the soldier's throat.

The third soldier rushed him with the dagger. He sidesteps the soldier and takes the dagger out of his hand and slices the neck of the soldier. The soldier collapses down to the floor. He rushes out of David's room.

"How many of these bastards are inside? I hope the others are fine."


Risa was locked into combat with three of serpentine soldiers who disguised themselves as guards. She killed 2 of them already. She realized that they were serpentine soldiers the moment she saw their eyes. She knew that if they found this place, they would sabotage defenses protecting earth from an evasion. She was closest to the photon generator cannon's main generator, so she decided to head there first. Upon her arrival, she saw three guards trying to tear the generator apart. Fortunately, the generator was surrounded by a large chrome steel covering over the generators. They were put there in case if anyone planned on sabotaging them.

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