Chapter 17: The Hunter

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David and Sora spent a hour trying to get everyone out of her room. Sora was laughing the whole time. 'Oh her laugh.' He would look at her and she would just smile back. In the end, it took Lucy, Theron and Risa to get everyone out of Sora's room. Then the trio filed out of the room. Before Lucy stepped out of the room, she turned and smiled.

"Have fun you two, but not too much fun. Oh and David, if you ever hurt her again, I'll kick your ass so much that I'll make the beating you gave Theron look like a slap on the wrist, okay? Have fun."

Then she closed the door, leaving him with Sora. He stepped forward to her and placed his hand on her cheek. He felt her shake from the feeling. He smiled.

"You don't have to worry about me hurting you again."

"I know. But you might want to worry about it though. Lucy looked like she meant. She sounded as though she would skin you alive if you do. She giggled.

He shivered at the thought. "Oh don't worry. I know. Who would have thought she could have hit so hard. Dang."

She laughed. "Let me guess, after she left from here, she came looking for you and she was furious. Then she found you and punched you very hard. Hard enough to knock you on the floor."

His eyes widened. "How do you know that?"

She smiled again. "I didn't. I figured that that's what she would have done. It explains why she gone so long. Besides, it wasn't the first time that she gotten angry. I'd say you gotten it easy."

"Why you say that?" He asked nervously.

"Last week at school, there was this big guy. He was hitting on me. He was very clingy. He was always this way. He tried it on all of the girls. I was his target last week. He tried flirt with me and I wasn't interested. He would stop trying. I still wasn't interested. Then he became agitated and grabbed my arm. I pulled away and pulled me back. Then he got kicked in the head by Lucy. As he hit the floor, she pounced on him and beating his face to a pulp. And all the while doing that, she said to him that he should've not mess with a friend of hers. She didn't get punished by the principal. He gave her a lecture and suspended him for holding a girl against her will. It scares me when she's angry."

"Uh...thank you Sora. You just made it a lot harder now. I need to be careful to not join him." He nervously said.

She laughed.

" have such a beautiful laugh."

She blushed. "Thank you."

He thought of something. He want to find out if it's night.

"I have an idea. I would like to show you something, but I need to see if it's night yet and better yet, if the moon is up."

He steps away and walks out door. He walks down the hallway and looks for the nearest soldier. Instead, he runs in Theron.

"Hey, David. Done so soon?" He laughed.

He just grinned. "You know that we haven't even started. I want to show her something, but I need to see if it's both night and if the moon is out."

"I'll go check. You just go back to her. I'll come by to let you know." He smiled then walks away.

"Alrighty then." He rushes back to Sora. "Wouldn't want to leave a angel waiting."


She went through her homework while waiting for David to return. She was trying to figure out a problem, when she felt an arm wrap her stomached. She could feel his breath hit the nape of her neck, making her sigh.

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