Chapter 10: Mother and Son part 1: A Mother's Grief

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Queen Zephyrina has been going through paperwork after paperwork with concerns of the battlefront, tax issues with the Fridrian ore mongrels on the price of the ore used to make the ships and weaponry, also the crop production has increased tenfold when the Tridsha farming core spotted super rich soil. Food has increase dramatically. Other than the Ore Mongrels, the Tridsha Farming core are one of few richest companies on the entire planet of Dragma, home of Dragonids.

As she was going through the paperwork regarding the shipping mishap, she was interrupted by the interstellar communicator, a recent invention the AstralMech technicians created. The Dragoness is their prize creation a long with the newest inventions the Interstellar Transportation Device or the ITD.

She scoffs. "Ugh. Why did they have to interrupt me? Can't they see I'm busy at the moment?" She sighs, looking over the countless paperwork on the side of her desk, wondering how is she going get all that done. Turning towards the IC (interstellar communicator) she clicked the receive message button, which took her a week to find herself. 

As she clicks it, a four dimension display pops up, showing someone she hadn't spoken to in a while. Her eyes widened when she saw her old friend.

"Risa? Is that you?" She asked. Her attention and attitude about the paperwork disappeared the moment she saw the 4-d version of Risa.

"Yes my queen."

Her surprised expression faded into a stern look. "You were supposed to send me a report a week ago. Why is it that I haven't heard anything?" She asked as she grabbed another pack of paperwork to start on.

"About that...."

The pause caught the queen's attention.


"I..... have a report about Orion, my Queen."

Zephyrina's eyes widened. Another pause. Something's not right.

"What is it?"

"Something has happened."

She dropped her paperwork. Eyes wide as fear grew within. She turned fully to her.

"What has happened? Tell me now!" Concern filled her voice as she spoke.

"He was attacked by soldiers of Serpentnia. They were sent to capture him. Things went sideways. He--"

Zephyrina never let her finished what she was going to say. Fear gripped her. Sadness began to fill within her.

"No. Please no. Please no. Please be alright. Please No." Her advisor Kyra must have heard her, as she came rushing up to her calling out.

"Are you alright My Queen? What's wrong? What happened?"

Kyra then looked at the entrance of the Queen's office and calls out.


Seconds later, the doors burst open, and four guards rush in with weapons at the ready. They spot Kyra holding the Queen in a kind hug. She motioned for them to come to her. One of the guards knelt by the queen, for she was on the ground as she has fallen from the chair.

"What is it my lady? What has happened?"

Moments later, General Windrum stormed in, asking what's going on. Then he spots Zephyrina on the ground in fear and has tears coming from her eyes. In seeing this, he rushed to her side. He gently took her hand as he asked kindly.

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