Chapter 5: Escape and Evasion

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The blast threw David across the room. His vision is blurry and red. He noticed that blood was dripping into his eyes.

"What happened?" He muttered.

Through his red, blurry haze he saw that the front door and part of the wall by it was destroyed. He saw dark shapes approaching from outside. Then he sees a figure approaching him from his right side, firing a weird weapon. One of the dark shapes outside vaporized when the beam hit it. The same figure, who shot the gun, was his father. Then he sees his father pull him up.

"Come on! Get up! We need to get out of here!" He yelled at David, while firing his weird gun. More figures came out of the woods. It went from 2 to 15 mysterious figures, all of which approached the house. Jason just exclaims.

"Come on!!! We need to run! Now!"

One of mysterious figures points their gun at David. When he was about to pull the trigger, he gets slammed by a truck. Jason and David looked at the new arrival. Jason looked relieved. But only a little.

"It's John. He made it. But why did he bring Lucy? It's not safe for her." He said. John and Lucy jumped out of the truck and made a dash towards the house. Moments later, the truck explodes when a beam from a large weapon hit it. Lucy and John met up with Jason and David.

"We got here just in time. We need to move, now!" John said as Jason tossed him the gun. Jason took out another one. He hands David to Lucy and hisses.

"Take him to the woods. We'll cover you." He yelled at Lucy. "We're right behind you. Go now!!!"


Lucy and David jetted out the back door as Jason and John was providing covering fire. Lucy was carrying a dazed David through the woods. All the while wondered what the heck is going on.

"What is going on? What are those things? Why are they chasing us? Why are they after David?" All these thoughts entered her head. However, her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only: evasion. They need to get away. They dashed through the trees, while the path they took is covered with large lumps of tree roots. She lost balance as her foot got caught. Couple of seconds later they both fell on the ground. She hastily gets up and grabs David.

"Come on. Get up David. Get up!" She said.

She helped him up and placed his arm over her shoulders. Then they continued their escape as John and Jason were dashing close behind.


John and Jason followed closely behind Lucy and David, turning around occasionally to provide covering fire.

The mysterious figures must have expected this, cause on their way through the woods, they were ambushed by more mysterious figures. Went from 15 to 30 mysterious figures. Luckily, Lucy and David were further ahead. The ambush failed to ensnare them. John and Jason, however, weren't as fortunate. The mysterious figures open fired when they were in range. Most of the shots missed. One landed straight and true. Behind John, Jason cries out in pain. He was shot in the leg, which caused him to collapsed on the ground. John shot and disintegrated 4 of the figures. Then he rushed back and grabbed Jason. Then they rushed forward while the rest of the figures closed in on them. Jason exclaims in pain.

"Damn it!! Agh! The bastards set up a damn ambush. Agh! This hurts!"

John replied as they kept running through the woods.

"I know. This shit was planned before hand. We must keep moving."

And thus, they kept moving forward through the forest, following  David and Lucy with the devils on their tail.


David couldn't comprehend what was going on. For the first time since he has known his dad, he never saw him either with out a smile on his face or a frightened look on instead. He wondered about the weird weapon he carried as well. Then all of a sudden, all hell breaks loose when the front door gets blasted away.

Ever since then, more weird things happened. He sees John pull up with Lucy and then David ends up running with her through the forest as if their lives depended on getting as far away as possible.

They collapsed on a old oak tree to catch their breaths. Moments later, they see John carrying his wounded father. His vision is getting clearer. Lucy and David rushed over to Jason while John provided them as a lookout for the figures following them.

"You alright, dad?" David asked Jason.

Jason replied with a grimace. "I'm fine. The shot went clean through. Still, it hurts like hell."

John then spoke. "We can't stay here. We need to keep moving."

John then walks over to them. A shot hits the ground in front of him. He looked straight forward in front of them. He noticed 10 mysterious figures blocking their path. Then they hear a snakily-like chuckle coming from the one in the middle.

"Indeed you do." Said the one in the middle. "Indeed you do."

A second ambush. Now they are surrounded. It now went from 26 to 36. David got a closer look at the one in the middle. He's covered in a hood. Only his face was visible. He had lines all over his face. But what caught his attention was the eyes. They look like  rattlesnake eyes. He and the others licked out their tongues like they're snakes.

"What are those guys?" He thought.

The figure in the middle just grins. As though he read his mind.

"You don't know about us. But we know about you, David. Or should I call you Orion? In any case, you'll be coming with us. Surrender."

John barked at the figure. "You'll never get him you snake-looking bastard!!"

The figure just laughed. "What you're gonna do, guard? Nothing, that's what."

The figure looks at the rest of the group.

"Take the boy alive. Kill the others. Then dr--"

The figure went silent.

Everyone was shocked at what happen. There was a look of terror and shock on the figure's face. Protruding from his chest was a sharply clawed hand, covered in the figures blood. The hand is pulled our from behind and the figure collapsed on the ground, dead. Everyone was shocked at what they were looking at. A woman was standing behind the figure that collapsed, right hand covered in blood. She was surrounded by 10 men on her left and 10 on her right. 20 in all. David looked straight at the woman with awe and wonder.

"Who's that woman?" He thought.
But he looked at John and Jason. They both have smiles on their faces. Then they spoke at the same time.


There's Risa. What'll happen next time. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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