Chapter One: Dreams and Caffeine

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Best day of the week? Without a doubt, Saturday

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Best day of the week? Without a doubt, Saturday. Well, any day where I don't have to set my alarm is the best day of the week. The only reason Sunday isn't the best day is that it's only Monday eve.

My phone said it was 12:24 currently, meaning I had been lying here since five, staring at my ceiling. Most Saturdays, I would be passed out, not joining the living until at probably two-ish. However, the lovely dream that I'd been having for weeks had different ideas. 

Like something out of some cheesy romance movie, I stood in the woods, with some faceless guy, with rocking abs; who needs a shirt in dreams? The Jacob Black wannabe would say my name, my whole body would shiver, and I would wake up. 

Those "dream decoder" websites said things not limited to me wanting romance, or me "lacking" in life. Which is false, I was fine, I was perfectly okay with my singleness. And I honestly didn't even need Google to tell me who this dude was. He was my mate, my future husband, my soul mate, blah blah blah... 

Unlike other females my age, I didn't mind not knowing him, I wasn't some hopeless romantic who had been planning my wedding since I was eight. I didn't care if it was "the way wolf kind was" or if "it's the greatest gift". No hormonal man was staking a claim on me like I'm a piece of pizza.

Signaling it was done listening to me bitch, my stomach decided to be a whale for ten seconds. With a groan, I threw on some sweats and a tanktop in the hunt for food. Upon entering the kitchen, my quest was successful; Poptarts and Redbull acquired. By the time I finished my lovely meal, I saw a note from my father on the fridge.


Since you all decided to go to the football game yesterday instead of evening training, each of you needs to do training on your own; at least an hour.

You can skip training tonight if you do it; if you don't, I'll know.

Love you!


PS. Scarlett, that includes you.

Rolling my eyes and chuckling slightly at him, calling out my younger sister. I slowly dragged myself downstairs into the home gym my lovely father had built. You would think it was a 24-hour-fitness with how much workout equipment he had put down here. Dragging my feet, and turning on my "sweat it out" playlist, I stretched to prepare my body for all the fun it was about to experience. 

After a 15 minute warm-up on the treadmill, I started wrapping my hands to abuse our punching bag Melvin, named after my first boyfriend in middle school. Using both my fists and legs to beat the crap out of it, I worked on the bag for 15 minutes, I was unwrapping my wrists when I heard Liam, my annoying twin brother, coming down the stairs. I took out one of my earbuds as he walked down the final steps.

"Giving melvin some love today?" He walked straight to the weight wall, grabbing different sizes and starting to work on his arms, counting every time he raised them. "I thought you were still sleeping. Don't you refuse to get up until three on Saturdays?"

"I've been up a few hours. I couldn't sleep, I had the dumb dream again. And it was only three once, twice tops." 

Liam was the only I had told about the dreams I was having. He didn't judge, he was going through the same thing since his birthday last year. However, he was like a puppy on crack whenever someone asked him about it. While I started some mild yoga, he hopped onto the treadmill to run. After 30 minutes, he laid on the ground next to me and started to toss his water bottle in the air.

"You're still going with us tonight, right? Scar went with Wren to get some new clothes for tonight." He took a drink of water and sat it down, stretching his arms. "They've been hanging around each other a lot lately. It's weird." He started doing his odd form of yoga. "Have you noticed that?"

"Yes. And Yes. Wren has always been really nice to her. Especially lately. Maybe she just wants homework help. Scar is a bookworm, and way too smart for her own good." I turned my music off and took my hair out of its bun to lay on my back.

Our little sister was only 8 months younger, but she was a junior, while Liam and I are seniors. She tried to skip a grade to be in the same class as us, but Dad said no. Liam joined me, laying down, abandoning his weird downward dog type pose.

"Wren always agrees with her too. On everything, like last night, Wren hates bring it on, and Scarlett just looked at her and stuck her lip out, she rolled over like a puppy, said she loves that movie. It's freaky. I asked Wren about it, and she just said she was just trying to be nice to her. I asked why they were always hanging out, she started saying something about helping Scar with woodshop and she was helping her with English." Woodshop was the only subject she didn't have an A in, she was barely passing with a D.

I shrugged my shoulders. Slowly sitting up and scooting over to the wall. They had seemed closer than usual recently.

"Maybe they are doing homework. It would make sense. She barely knows what a hammer and nails are. Did you ask Scar about it? Maybe it's true. Besides, Wren was just complaining about failing English." As if she felt her ears burning, my little sister appeared out of nowhere wear juicy sweats and her "I love pink" shirt. Her red hair was in a ponytail, she had curled it, you could tell because it was bumpy.

"Ask me about what?" She scared the shit out of Liam, who had his eyes closed and forehead on the floor. He was on his feet in two seconds in full defense mode. We both started laughing at him. He just flipped us off, glaring daggers at us both. Scarlett slowly began to stretch, eyeing the workout equipment with disgust, letting out a sigh.

"Anyways. Nat, I picked up that dress for you from Forever 21. They only had it in gold, but I think it'll look cute; less dark and gloomy."

Leave it to her to go from asking why we were talking about her to laughing half to death to talking about clothes; it's like she has ADD or something.

"You can wear your black docs, I guess, as long as I can do your makeup." Liam was noticeably zoning out when she started talking about clothes and other things you could see him losing brain cells.

"No sparkly shit this time. I had glitter on my arms for weeks last time." I took a massive gulp of water. "Deal?" 

Scarlett glared at me and stuck her tongue out, but nodded. Liam finally got up and started to put back all the weights he had used.

"Anyone up for a run?" Scar just stared at him like he had asked her to rub mud on her face. "I'm craving Starbucks. I'm buying for whoever beats me there." Within seconds Scarlett was on her feet.

"Yes, a million times, yes!" She ran up the stairs faster than a bullet. We both just stared at her, that was a trick dad should use for training. I stood up and slowly took the cap off my water and threw the bottle at Liam, grinning as it soaked him. I ran up the stairs, as he cussed me out.

Gotta love having siblings.

Gotta love coffee more.

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