Little Things

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Cade's POV:

All night I couldn't stop thinking about how she might now like what was going to happen at school the next morning. That's all my mind kept thinking, possibly even when I was asleep... Maybe...

I went through the motions of getting ready for school. I got dressed, grabbed breakfast, picked up the guys, and drove to the school. I didn't really feel better till I walked into class and saw Nat sitting in the back of the class room, I saw some girl with a hood on sitting diagonal from her.

"How are you feeling?" Zane had sat in front of her so I sat next to her. "Remember me yet?" I looked from Zane, to Nat who was smiling, to Liam was slightly tense.

"Zane what did I say?" Madi was holding my Liams arm. Zane glared at him. They had talked about not trying to bring up the whole amnesia thing in the parking lot when we got here this morning.

"Come on Zane be nice to her." I saw Nat look at me. I smiled. "Besides why would she want to remember you?" everyone laughed at that. I saw natalee look at the new girl who was sitting in front of me; she was shaking a tiny bit. I looked about at Mr. Higgins as he cleared his throat.

"Now class. We have a new student; she's a transfer from Olympia. Please stand up Melody Connor." Everyone turned towards her. She slowly stood up. "No hoods Ms. Connor."

The girl just froze; I watched as a few cheerleaders laughed at her; a few called Nat a slut. Mr. Higgins tapped his foot. And for the first time since I've known him. Zane didn't talk or move at the sight of a pretty girl. As soon as melody took her hood off Zane hadn't looked away from her. My inner alpha told me that it was his mate. As Mr. Higgins droned on I saw Nat watching them out of the corner of my eye. As the bell rang the girl left, Zane's entire body turned as she walked out the door.

I had only one class with nat. But when Tyler came to tell me him and Zane were going for a run, I guessed that Zane couldn't handle not being with his mate, he told me everything he saw, lucky fucker was in her classes. I walked towards Nat's car after the bell had rang. I had had PE with melody. She didn't take her sweatshirt off. But I noticed when she rang she winced. I was going to have to ask Zane or Tyler about her later.

"How'd it go?" she looked at me and shrugged. She was lying. "Before Tyler left he told me about what he'd seen. About what they had been saying." She closed her eyes, tears that had been pooling fell down her cheeks, my heart broke a little. "Hey. It's alright. Don't worry."

I did the only thing I could think of, I hugged her. I loved even just the contact of my cheek to the top of her head. I loved her, and every little thing about her. I love how she laughs, talks, everything. I could just spend the rest of my life in her arms, forever and a day. She made me feel like a was a weak little omega, instead of the strong alpha that I am. And I love every minute of it.

"Thank you, for being here for me." I looked down at her. "Do you want to do something?"

"Like what?" I didn't have a single thing planned. Except possibly talking to Zane and Tyler.

"How about pizza? I could eat half of one right now. Maybe some wings too." My kind of girl. It sounded good. "We could go to pizza hut." I couldn't help it. I smiled. "Only if you want to of course."

"I would love to. I'll follow you to your house if that's okay." She smiled back.


I drove to her house. When we got there she got in my car and we drove to get pizza. As soon as we got seated she ordered pizza for us. A medium super supreme pizza and garlic parmesan wings. As we waited for our pizza to come we ate our wings and talked.

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