Chapter Five: Shocks and Agreements

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No mother fucking way

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No mother fucking way...

"Future Alpha Liam, nice to see you. I'm future Alpha Cade. I'm hoping we'll be friends." He was in front of Liam. Liam glared and shook his hand. "This is my future Beta and brother Chad, my sister Madi, and my Deltas Tyler and Zane." He motioned to the group of people behind him. I still hadn't looked up.

I didn't know if I could stand looking at him. This was the guy who I had honestly considered breaking my "no contact" rule for. And it was just my luck he was the future Alpha of our "enemy" pack.

"Hi. I'm Liam Lathe." The guy behind Cade visible sized up my brother. "This is my sisters Scarlett, and Natalee, my Beta Wren, and our friend Kaylee." My brother just waved both arms out. "Hope we can all coexist without too many broken bones." The blonde behind Cade laughed. She was looking at Liam, and he was looking at her.

He stood up and very slowly walked over, taking her hand.

"I know that laugh. I've had that laugh on a constant loop since last year, hoping to find the angel who makes me able to breathe." He looked her up and down. I rolled my eyes at his corny line, leave it to him to have that prepared. "I can't believe I found you this quickly."

"I know your voice too. I've been looking for you everywhere." Without a second thought, they both started walking down the bleachers hand in hand.

"That was creepy, who knew he could be intelligent in front of girls." Scarlett scooted closer to Wren. "He got all doe-eyed."

She whispered into Wren's ear, but we all heard her plain as day.

"You weren't even that smooth." Wrens' eyes got wide, and she shushed Scarlett. "What? You weren't."

"Scar, hush. People, remember." Scarlett paled and looked at us.

"Uh, my bad. Moving on." She scooted away from Wren.

"I figured out you were mates last week. Wren doesn't wear lipgloss but had it all over her lips." I raised my eyebrows at Kaylee, who was looking at her phone again. Scarletts eyes got as big as saucers.

Someone chuckled in front of us, and I looked up, remembering the people in front of us. I suddenly felt like I was standing next to fire, or in a pair of socks on a carpet. I couldn't break eye contact as I sunk into dark brown warmth. I tried and I couldn't, he was just standing there staring at me. Suddenly as if a massive bucket of cold water had been thrown on me, he whispered one word under his breath.

"Mine..." That snapped me out of my trance.

"Fuck me." I stood up, I needed to get out of here. ASAP!

"Gladly." I ignored his comment as I ran down the bleachers and out of the gym.

I kept running until I reached my car. Without a second thought, I turned it on and threw it in reverse. I heard him calling me. Yelling for me to come back so he can explain. The way he said my name with need, and just plain anger was enough fuel for me to floor it as I drove out of the parking lot.

I drove to Mt. Baker Park, doing at least 70. Due to the time of day, the park was basically empty. I laid down in the grass next to a huge maple tree. Closing my eyes, attempting to calm my heart rate down, I focused on the sounds of nature around me. I started to fall asleep when I heard a stick crack under the weight of someone's shoe. My eyes flew open, and I saw him leaning against a tree.

"Didn't know it would be this easy to track you. Mate bonds are pretty strong things." Cade had a giant smile on his face. "Mind if we talk?" I didn't say anything but kept my face neutral and slowly sat up and leaned against the tree. He sat across from me, resting his arms on the ground to lay on his side.

"I don't want you to think that since we had subpar sex that all of a sudden since we're mates, I'm going to roll over like a lovesick dog. Because that is not happening, buddy."

I expected him to freak out, but he just laughed.

"Subpar? The nail marks on my back, say otherwise." I flipped him off. "However, I'm glad we agree on the whole mate thing. Not that I wouldn't love to mate you fully, many times, but that's just not a priority right now." 

"What exactly do we do then? Because it is taking every bit of control, I have not to tackle you right now." As I said that, the wind blew, and his cologne blew right up my nose. If possible, I moved closer to the tree.

"Fake it till we make it?"

"Fake it till we make it? You want to pretend to be love sick idiots." He nodded.

I thought for a second. That did have its benefits, mom would leave me alone, and dad would be happy. 

"We have to make it seem like its authentic. My mom wants me to be mated and completely happy."

"I agree. But I have one condition," I raised my eyebrow. "The mating urge is strong. I see how it affects other wolves. It would be hard to stay away from each other." I knew where he was going.

"So we would fulfill whatever this bond entails? The sex, the biting, and at the same time have zero actual attachment to each other. Doesn't seem so bad to me, as long as we stick to it." I had barely gotten that out when he all but attacked me. I was glad we were the only people around.

He started kissing all over my neck and started to pull me into his lap. I grew hot again, static everywhere. I leaned into his touch and couldn't stop the moan that came out of my throat. This was going to be extremely hard.

"Whoa, there lover boy." He stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me through my hair that was over his face. "I have one simple rule. No sex on in public." He smiled.

"Buzz kill." He nuzzled my neck.

"What did I just say, pervert. Back off..." He laughed and shook his head. I climbed off his lap and stood up. "Give me your number, and we can talk later. I need to be in English today, it's the only class I care about." I handed him my phone, and he quickly put his number in and gave it back. 

"I have that right before lunch, with Fields?"

"Yeah, same class. I guess I'll see you there then."

"I guess. See you there, mate."

I groaned as I walked back to my car. While driving towards the school, I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face.

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