Chapter Four: Fight or Flight

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As much of a deal as my father had made of Liam and I turning 18, it was uneventful

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As much of a deal as my father had made of Liam and I turning 18, it was uneventful. the five of us gathered in the living room, Liam pretty drunk, Scarlett falling asleep, mom half asleep, Dad was in his "constant vigilance" mode, and I was still thinking about the guy with the most amazing eyes I'd ever seen.

After 1:12 am came and went, dad, stood up, waking up mom who was sleeping against him. He had a massive smile on his face, and almost pulled my shoulder out of the socket when he pulled me to my feet. Liam put his arm around my shoulders, looking like a touching twin moment when in actuality he was on the verge of passing out.

"It is a wonderful day when a wolf turns 18. Not only are you of legal age now, but you are that much closer to finding your mates." Queue eye roll here, I looked behind dad to roll my eyes at Scarlett, who seemed to be paying attention all of a sudden. "Finding your mate is the best thing you will ever get to experience..."

"except for having children, right dear?" mom interpreted him, dad sighed and rolled his eyes slightly.

"you heard what I said, muffin, best thing ever." I'm sure if mom was taller, she would be more intimidating.

Standing toe to toe with a 6'4 Alpha wolf when you're only 5'3, not scary. As if dad heard my thoughts, he patted mom's head twice then turned back to us. Looking at my father you wouldn't know that he is the sweetest man, even now, he had tears in his eyes.

"You three are the second best thing to happen. If I hadn't met your mother, I wouldn't have you. I wouldn't be standing before two strong wolves. Not only am I so proud of you two, I can't wait to see what you do in the future." 

"Ah, dad!" Liam practically launched himself at our dad. "Ya big softie."

"Liam. Let go." Even though dad sounded like that was the last thing he wanted, he pushed Liam away. "Now, we have a big family day planned for later today. I'll let you kids sleep in until about 12 or so." 

With that, our small meeting dispersed everyone seeking their own beds. After a quick shower and a massive scrubbing of my face to remove the makeup Scarlett had covered me in, I passed out thinking of deep brown eyes and sinful lips.

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After a day of "intense family bonding", that ended with dad having to buy mom a new kitchen table after it tragically died after him losing monopoly to Scarlett. We ended the day with moms pack famous chili and cornbread, we watched movies and got ready for the wonder that is school the next day.

Starting tomorrow, the pack next to ours would be in our school. Liam kept saying they were "evil". To be honest, like I told Liam, we stay to our stuff they stay to theirs. It's only a year or less if they rebuild their school. I get that our packs hate each other, but what happened is in the past, and there is nothing we can do about it now. He didn't really like that answer at all, but I'm sticking to my guns. 

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