Safe and Sound

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Cade's POV

It's been a few days since she woke up. Everyone has been here to visit her; she looks at them weird; almost like she doesn't know them. Maybe she's just upset?

I don't really know how she's feeling. Because she won't let me see her, not even when I try to just say hi. The pain is starting to come back, it's dull; but I know it's there. I'm been sitting outside her hospital room almost the entire time; just waiting for her attitude to change. I haven't really slept, or ate come to think of it. I started to drift off when I heard her family walking this way. I looked up to see her dad; he looked at me and smiled, then headed into her room with her mom. Madi handed me a bag of chips, I sat them in the chair I had been in.

"How you holding up? Any change so far?" I shook my head.

"She still won't talk to me. She barely eats. I'm freaking out." I started to sit back down when her parents both came out.

"She wants to see you." Without even thinking about it I walked inside. She looked like hell. The color she'd gotten back was gone again. I cleared my throat about to ask how she was. But she looked up at me.

"What?" she snapped. I ignored it.

"I'm just concerned about you. You won't see anyone but family. I saw how you looked at Scarlett and Xavier yesterday." She looked down. "You won't even look at me. I get it, we both messed up. But come on Nat. you can't block me out forever, I mean you started it." I thought she would get mad. But she laughed.

"I started what? I didn't do anything." Was she serious? I was about to tell her, when there was a knock on the door, it was Eli.

"I've got to check your vitals. Unless I'm interrupting something." I was about to tell him yes when she shook her head. She looked at him, looking confused.

"Hey Eli?" he looked at her. "How did you become a doctor so fast?" I looked at him.

"What do you mean so fast?"

"You had like a year or so left when I last talked to you. And it's only been like a couple weeks since I talked to you. I was just wondering how medical school got so quick." What the hell? "I mean I remember Dr. Taylor saying it took him like five years to do medical school." He took a light out of his pocket and walked towards her.

"Look at me; I'm going to ask you some questions. Okay?" she nodded. He shined the light into her eyes; I walked closer. "Answer every question to the best of your ability."


"What day is it?"

"I think it's Friday. Maybe Thursday."

"Okay. It is Friday. Now what month."


"Yes. Now how old are you? And what year is it?" I looked at him. What year? Is he joking? I almost joined in her laughter. "Answer the question Natalee."

"I'm 17. It's 2012. I'm a junior, a Pisces, my lucky number is 13, and I like tigers. Anymore dumb questions?" I blinked a few times. I must've miss heard her. "What? I answered that right, I was only out a week, and ergo it still should be 2012. Right?" No. this is a joke right? I looked at Eli who had turned towards me.

"I'll call her parents. Say nothing." That was all Eli said as he walked out.

"Well that was odd. Dude is crazy. Is he even a real doctor yet?" I felt tears coming to my eyes as she looked at me. She didn't remember, the pain started to get worse. . "Are you okay?" I walked to the wall across the room, sliding to the floor. My own mate didn't remember me; my head fell into my hands. Within a minute the room was full. All the girls were crying and hugging her. Eli was talking to her dad. Would someone please explain to me what in the hell is happening? Please." She looked around. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I could smell her in front of me. Her hand touched mine, the pain dulled again. "It'll be okay. Whatever is making you sad, it'll be okay." I part of me snapped inside; I snapped my head up and looked at her. She backed up clearly scared.

Taming Natalee Lathe (Under Massive Overhaul)Where stories live. Discover now