I Want Crazy

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Cade's POV:

Within seconds of Nat lying down behind me I fell asleep. I was at peace; all because of her. And it was amazing. I felt like I was asleep for days.

My relaxing nap was interrupted by poking in my back; my first thought was that Baylee was back. But she wasn't. It was Natalee.

"We have company." I groaned silently as she got up off the bed. I just wanted to sleep. But I noticed everyone was here. Zane was sitting on Nat's bed.

"How you feeling missy?" she shrugged. "Remember me yet?" I tried not to laugh as Xavier walked over and grabbed him by his shirt. "What? What'd I say?" he pushed him out the door; I think he locked it too. I rolled my neck to wake up more as Liam walked forward towards nat.

"You've both been released. Eli will monitor you at home nat." I smiled. I hate hospitals, they are way to clean. "We're going bowling tonight. As a celebration of you getting out." I smiled. I was amazing at bowling. Held the record in my pack, I never lost. I could tell natalee was uncomfortable. So I nodded to everyone, they left.

"I can leave if you want? So you can change." She nodded. I got up and walked outside, passing Scarlett who had a couple of shopping bags, poor nat. I walked outside to my car, I looked around, no one was in the parking lot; good. I ripped the bandages off; my hands were perfectly fine; I flexed them just in case. As I drove away from the hospital I called Zane. It rang about three times.

"This is the amazing Beta of the best pack in the world. How can I help you?" I rolled my eyes. This was my best friend, as much as I hate to admit it sometimes.

"You're not the beta yet. You know that right?"

"Damn. I'll have to change my name on twitter." I couldn't help but laugh. "So I'm busy right now. What did you want?" I could hear twigs snapping.

"What are you doing?"

"Hunting... sort of..." all righty then....

"I was just curious if you were coming tonight? I want to kick your ass at bowling." I could hear a scream in the back ground. "What in the hell are you doing?"

"I've got to go. Yeah I'll be there. Maybe." He hung up. That was really fucking weird. I rolled my eyes as I pulled into my drive way. My mom was outside in the garden, and dad as always was lying in the hammock. I tried to avoid my mom; she was always emotional when any of us got hurt. I was almost to the front door when I got hugged from behind. I looked over my shoulder... mom... great.

"Hey mom."

"How is my baby boy? Are you okay? All healed?" baby boy? Seriously?

"I'm okay mom. Just getting ready to go out tonight with my friends." She let go, she smiled.

"As long as you're okay. I just want my baby to be happy." I grinned.

"Come on Hun. Let the poor boy go." I saw dad sit up in the hammock slowly, to just lay down again. My mom walked back to the garden. I gave my dad a thankful expression as I walked into the house. I grabbed a Mtn Dew as I walked to my room to change. I threw on some clothes and looked at the clock. It was already 7. I was making good time.

I drove to the bowling alley. It looks like it's going to rain, I completely spaced grabbing my jacket. Hope it didn't rain soon, maybe later tonight. As I pulled up I saw Zane getting out of a cab. He had a weird look on his face. I got out as he walked towards my car. He looked like shit.

"Hey cade."

"Hey. So what was up with you earlier? Hunting? Seriously?" he looked at the ground.

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