Chapter Two: Dreams and Women

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There she was, sitting in the grass, in a black dress

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There she was, sitting in the grass, in a black dress. I was close enough I could smell her, but I couldn't see her face. This dream had been going on for months now, always the same. If I could drag it out, I would, but she looked up. And just like that... My eyes snapped open.

I was falling for some chick my brain had come up with that was my "perfect mate". I'd never seen her face, for all I know she could be ugly as hell. I needed to move past this chick. We could be years away from meeting, and I swear if I'm stuck with this dream till then, I might step in front of a car. 

I looked around my room, the same old shit different day. The only difference is there was an arm across my chest. I followed the arm to the flavor of last night, a blonde with freckles. She was cute enough. Her dress and thong were on the floor by my desk, we hadn't made it far into my room until she jumped me. Little minx, she had green eyes I remembered. 

Now her name... I think it started with a C........ 

Maybe a K? 

I looked at my clock: 8:30. Mom would be up in a half-hour unless she was already up. I looked for my phone; maybe I had her number in my phone. After a good ten minutes of going through my contacts, I cussed slightly, no new names. Just great.

Rubbing my eyes, I started poking the blonde lying next to me. She mumbled something under her breath. I poked her forehead, and her eyes shot open. She squinted at me for a second then looked around.

"Shit, shit, shit..." Looked around with each word. "I have to go." She talked as she got up, slipping on her dress and shoes. I smirked, ah the regret of a one night stand begins. Poor girl. "It was nice to meet you, I had a nice time..." She looked at me. Chick didn't remember my name, she didn't do this much. She kept saying that all night. It got annoying quick.

"Cade. And it was nice to meet you too." I tossed her purse to her. I got up and put on a pair of boxers and shorts I had left by my bed yesterday. "I'll show you the way out."

"Thank you. My name is Taylor." We walked down the stairs. I noticed my parents' door was shut; they were still asleep, thank god. As we walked out to her car, she gave me a hug. "I had fun. See you around?"

"Sure." That would be a no. I never kept in contact with my one night stands. Girls tended to get clingy. Not my thing. I started to walk back towards the house as she drove off.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an Mtn Dew out of the fridge. Madi came in wearing a pair of shorts and a black shirt. She looked happy, she always looks like that, smiley as hell.

"So, I see the blonde is gone." She grabbed a coffee cup and poured a cup. I just nodded. She laughed as Chad came down the stairs. He looked half-dead, hangover, poor bastard. I tossed him a Gatorade out of the fridge.

"Why are you guys so loud? You've been yelling." He took a drink of the Gatorade. You drink you suffer.

"We just got down here mister I drink too much." Madi stuck her tongue out at him. He threw a potholder at her, and she dodged it. I cleared my throat as it hit the sink.

"So... I had that dream again. About the girl." Madi's eyes widened, Chad just slowly put his head on the counter. "It's gotten harder to wake up. My brain is on serious drugs."

"I had a dream like that a few nights ago," Madi said, She looked down. "It was about a guy, though. He says my name, then I wake up. It's depressing." Chad nodded and muttered against the counter.

"Me too. Chick is banging, hot body, killer legs. I wake up all hot and bothered. Fifth cold shower this week." We both just looked at him. He didn't see us because his head was down. "She says my name, and I wake up wanting to fuck her till she can't walk. I don't even know who she is. But damn that voice could make a gay man straight." He lifted his head up in time to see Madi turn a shade of green.

"Ok... That is something I could've lived my whole life without hearing..." I looked out the window. I agreed. But I knew how he felt. I was about to say an agreement with what he said when my phone vibrated. It was Zane, one of my best friends.

Zane: Hey bro. you coming out tonight?

Me: Idk. Thinking about it. Why?

Zane: New club opening downtown. Thinking about checking it out. Lots of new babes to get.

I rolled my eyes. Man only thought with one thing, just like me to be honest. 

"You guys wanna check out some new club tonight? Zane is asking." Madi shrugged, that's a yes. I nudged chad with my elbow. "How about you, mister comatose. You up for another night? Or you want to sit this one out?" He mumbled an "I'm in" against the counter.

Me: Yeah, we'll go. When you leaving?

Zane: 8ish.

Me: Okay. 

"I'm going to go shower and maybe a nap." Madi nodded, distracted by her phone. "Chad, go die in your room, mom will kill you if you die in her kitchen." He groaned but headed back up the stairs.

I collapsed onto my small couch and stared out the window. If I was honest, a mate would be nice, a permanent girlfriend who wouldn't have a choice but to deal with me. However, a whining woman who is going to try to change me isn't ideal, I don't want to change. I like not having to worry about a girl. I am alright with being alone.

Currently, I pick up a girl, I fuck her, and then I dump her. Great system. 

After two naps, a bag of Doritos, and a shower, it was time to head out to join Zane. I pulled a gray shirt over my head as my sister knocked on the door. 

"What's up? You ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something first." I raised my eyebrows. "I talked to dad about Monday. He said we are all set, but I can't help but feel like it's a bad idea. Are you worried?"

About a week ago, our lovely, shitty school had some electrical fire in the middle of the night. It was a complete loss. We had been blessed with a break, not even a month into school. Luckily enough, according to the district, the school district in the next town was willing to help us out.

The downside? The majority of the students were from the neighboring pack. Around 25 years or so ago, our packs had fought, lives lost on both sides. Including both Alphas and Lunas were killed. We had attacked first, so our treaty for peace was not the best.

"Madi, we'll be okay. It's just school. They'll stick to their stuff. We'll stick to ours. We don't even have to talk to them." She nodded, and I gave her a hug. "You need a night out. Maybe a guy." She laughed and shook her head.

After my dream last night, I needed a distraction. I needed to get this girl out of my head. I was falling in love with someone that didn't exist. My phone buzzed; It was my dad.

Your welcome for keeping your mother occupied this morning. I want the garage cleaned by Friday. Have a great night. Make sure your sister doesn't get hurt. Don't let Chad drink too much.

I just rolled my eyes. Most parents would be pissed for what we do every weekend, but to dad, as long as we were at training during the week, he didn't care. And he kept mom occupied, so it's a win-win.

 And he kept mom occupied, so it's a win-win

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