Fall For You...

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A/N: so... this is the last chapter for this story... But my next story is already posted and getting better and better...

i saw this had 2,000 reads... holy moly...

Pic on the side is of Natalee and Scarlett... The lead of this story and the lead of my next story... And sisters... So please check that out...

Playing my headphones: Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade... I love love love this song so very much...

enjoy... and please vote for this story...

Nat's POV:

It's been a few months now... it was august. we had all drifted since we found out that melody was not only zane's mate, but she was extremly shy and afraid of us all thanks to the guy who she had had been abused by for the last 13 years. i had only seen her at school. until two months ago... when the alpha came and found her. i hadn't seen zane, tyler, liam, or even cade since it had happened. i was sitting in my room. i couldn't think of anything else to do. i honestly didn't know what was going on... And that scared me. i looked up when i heard the knock on my door.

"can i come in?" I looked back down at the floor... Cade... he was standing in my door way. i nodded. i didn't even know what to say. i could tell by how he looked that it hadn't gone well. "how are you feeling?" i shrugged. he came over and sat next to me on my bed, grabbing me until i was basically in his lap. "come on natty cat, talk to me." i glared at him. he had come up with this nickname around graduation because i called him wolf boy. he kissed my forehead. i melted a little bit. i love him so much. before melody went missing he had moved into my house with me. he sat up and took off his shoes and shirt, he pulled back the blankets and got in bed.

my mind kept drifting back to what i had found in his leather jacket the other day. it was a ring, i had heard maddie talking about how he had their grandmothers ring... i freaked... but it was all i could think about. and with my luck he was listening to what i was thinking... shit... lions, and tigers, and bears...

"oh my..." i looked at him as he finished my thoughts out loud... he smiled. "sorry nat..." he got up and walked to our closet. i watched him grab something and then he came back. he pulled me to the edge of the bed. "natalee... i love you so much... more than anything, more than life."

"i love you too cade..." i kept thinking back to the ring... oh boy...

"i know as mates we are already bound together forever. but i don't want to just have that, i want you to be mine in every single possible way." i laughed a little. "in more ways than i already have." he kissed my nose. "i spent today moving things." i looked at him.

"where are you moving?"

"we are moving to a house that is right between my parents house and yours. it's where we can be ourselves, and grow with each other. and we can make a family and a life together." he swallowed. he was just as nervous as i was. "Natalee Lathe i want you to stay... because if i don't have you i don't want to live."

"i am not going anywhere cade. i swear." i kissed him.

"marry me. be mine forever and a day." i looked at him. i was about to answer when my family and his fell through the door. i looked over at my sister and mother on the floor.

"seriously guys?"

"what? the door opened itself." i rolled my eyes and looked at cade. he was a little red. he looked right back at me. "don't leave the boy hanging." i laughed.

"i can'[t see myself with anyone else for the rest of my life." he smiled, i felt myself tearing up a little. "i want you forever Cade." he wiped away the tears that were falling.

"so will you marry me?"

"yes." the entire house cheered."but we have to wait for melody and zane." he nodded.

after both of our families celebrated we went ot hte new house. which i love. we were now laying in bed, after a few hours of going crazy. i was starting to like this whole just us thing. i can tell you that i know when the sun rises tomorrow we will look for melody. and we will find her. then i will marry cade. adn we can start our famioly. after all. even if i had said no he would always ask me one simple thing... that no matter what happens... that i will always...


A/N: so i know it's not great but i am out of ideas for this story. so that's it... But don't forget to check out my new story...

Loving Scarlett...

until next time...



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