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Natalee's POV

It'd been two weeks since this whole "fake" mate thing had started. It was going pretty well actually, because of the mate bond we didn't really have to pretend anything. The last two weekends though we had both gone out and had our fun with other people.

Granted it wasn't exactly the best arrangement ever. But I was starting to get used to it. It was Sunday morning and here I was, lying in my bed. I had decided to not bring someone home with me. I didn't know why, it didn't feel right... Like I shouldn't have been doing that...

I heard my phone buzzing with Cade's ringtone... I let it ring; we never called each other... We just texted so that our families wouldn't think it was weird that we weren't talking all the time.

Cade: Morning babe...

I glared at my phone, pet names; I told him I hated those...

N: I thought I said not to call me babe or anything along those lines? We may be mates but we are not dating...

I understand that may sound a little harsh but I mean he was the one who came up with the whole thing. Not me, I didn't want to change, but I could if I had too. I got up and pulled on a pair of slippers and pulled my hair into a sloppy bun. My phone rang again.

Cade: You're my mate regardless... I can call you whatever I want... Your mine...

I raised my eyebrow; this boy had serious brain damage. I rolled my eyes and started to walk downstairs. My phone rang again.

Cade: You will answer me when I text you... Understand?

WTF had crawled up his ass and died? Seriously... I put my phone on the counter and started to make an omelet with ham, tomatoes, mushrooms, and green peppers. My phone rang again. I just shook my head and ignored it. But it kept ringing; he was actually calling me... Wow... Okay?

"Hello? What can wonderful me, do for annoying you?" I turned my speakerphone on, I was the only one home, and they were shopping for the BBQ this weekend...

"Why in the hell are you not answering my texts? I sent you two texts that did not get any answers." I laughed. He sounded like a paranoid man friend. Wow...

"I'm cooking your highness; I'm a wolf with a need for sustenance. And I am in no mood to entertain the weird emotions of yours, so unless there is an amazing reason to this phone call. Bye bye now..." I trailed off making it seem like I was going to hang up.

"Don't you fucking dare Natalee! Who are you with right now? Is it some human? Did you bring someone home last night?" Whoa, he never called me Natalee, ever. And since when did he care who I was with.

"What is with you? What crawled up your ass and died? Gosh." I could hear a growl through my phone. "Why are you acting like this all of sudden?" I heard a door slam shut and a car start.

"I will be at your house in five minutes." He hung up. Five minutes? He lived about a half hour away. How in god's name was he going to get here that fast... Unless he changed halfway here...? I just shook my head and finished making my omelet and walked into the living room to eat and watch TV. I'd been sitting here for about 6 minutes when the front door burst open and shut instantly. I turned on the couch to see Cade standing there looking like shit.

"I'm not going to lie. You like shit. What the hell happened to you?" He walked toward the couch and took my empty plate from my hands and put it on the table. He grabbed me and sat me on his lap. "Yo, what are you doing? No one is around; you can stop whatever is with you."

He was sniffing my hair. I put my hand on his chest and his hips bucked. He was like a steel rod... What the hell...

"I can't stay away from you... Ever since that day in the woods the few times we've slept together hasn't been nearly enough. I want to ravage you, make you scream at the top of your lungs. Pierce your neck, claim you as mine."

I swallowed; I was horny all of a sudden. We were both breathing fast. It hit me all of sudden that he was kissing and licking my throat. His hips were grinding against mine, within seconds I was in my room pinned to my bed with my arms above my head. My brain didn't even try to figure out how we'd gotten up here.

The way his lips were moving on my neck and lips was driving me insane. I lost track of what he was doing until I heard fabric ripping, he'd ripped my tank top off. He lifted his head up and I could tell I wasn't going to make this stop. I let my wolf take over and she flipped him onto his back and ripped his shirt off, I looked him in the eye. The look he gave me said one thing... Game on...

Within seconds we were both naked and we were moving; climbing higher and higher reaching for the peak, I was thrashing my head when I felt his presence from my body gone.

"Not yet princess. This is going to be a long afternoon for you..." I looked at him with a mix of fear and pure unadulterated lust. "And you're going to take all of it." I nodded.

The next five hours was a complete blur. He'd left about a minute ago to go get water. I couldn't move, I could tell my neck and thighs would be bruised tomorrow. Possibly my arms, I knew I could barely move right now, I had moved my leg and all of my lady parts screamed out in pain. That man was insane when he got going. He was sick and twisted, and I liked it. He was ruff and slightly terrifying, but sweet and loving at the same time. Slowly but surely I got up to go look at what state my body was in.

Thanks to my wolf healing, the marks he'd left were already yellowing, except for the mark that now sat on the crook of my neck. I was now marked. Great.

"Sorry if I was a little ruff, I lost it." He was standing in the door way looking at the marks he'd left on me.

"I actually liked it. A lot more than I thought I would. Who knew that a person could be that strong..." He'd held me down when my wolf instinct had tried to play back with him. I yawned and looked at my clock. It was only 5 in the afternoon. My family would be back from Olympia at 10. "You can either stay here or go home. But I need sleep, before I pass out completely." He picked me up right after I finished talking and yawned again. He walked to my bed and pulled back my blankets and laid me down.

"I'd really like to stay. I'm not quite sure if my wolf would be happy with me if I left our mate alone." He crawled and laid next to me. He pulled me until I was wedged right up against his side. I laid my arm across his chest and tangled my legs around his.

"I'm happy with what we did. It was the best sex I have ever had." I laid my head on his chest. He pulled me closer.

"I haven't either. But I'm willing to try and top that." I felt him smile into my hair.

~5 hours later~

"Nat we're back. Mom picked up pizza if you're..." I woke up to Liam standing at the foot of my bed with a look of shock crossed with disbelief. "Hungry..."

I turned bright red as I tried to wake up Cade.

"Well this is extremely awkward..."

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed... stay tuned...

Hugs and love,


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