My Immortal

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Natalee's POV...

After I woke up they moved me downstairs. I've been here for a few days. Eli, who I guess is a doctor now, said I should be okay; but I don't feel okay. I had lied. He asked me how I felt and I didn't say how I actually did feel. I'll tell you exactly how I feel.

I don't know where I am, I don't know why I'm here, and I don't know who the strange guy that is sitting outside of my door is. I couldn't figure out why I had huge bandages on my arms. I am so fucking confused. All I know was that according to Scarlett, who I heard talking to some people before I woke up, she said that someone was trying to kill my friends. It was weird.

I'd been laying down for a while now. Just staring out the window, watching the rain, I think its Friday. I heard the door open. I looked over my shoulder. It was my parents. My dad sat down a bag of my clothes, he looked concerned. My mom came and sat down in the chair in front of me. She grabbed my hands.

"Honey, why is Cade outside? Did you guys fight?" Cade? Who in the fuck was that? Wait... outside... the tall hot guy. Why would he be here? He's not my boyfriend. Where was he anyways?

"Natalee, are you going to answer her? Why is he outside?" my dad asked this time.

"Because he wants to be?" I sat up and leaned against my pillows. My parents looked at each other confused.

"No, he doesn't. He looks extremely sad Natalee. Why don't you try and talk with him?" Crap... How could I talk to a guy I didn't know? But I guess I can try and talk to him.

"Sure. I guess I can try." My parents smiled and got up and left; that Cade guy walked in and sat where my mom had been. He looked like he hadn't slept; his eyes had a slight red tent to them. He cleared his throat. "What?" It came out angrier than I intended. But he answered me anyways.

"I'm just concerned about you. You won't see anyone but family. I saw how you looked at Scarlett and Xavier yesterday." That was confusing; I mean they had been holding hands. Didn't he have a girlfriend? Some cheerleader I think. "You won't even look at me. I get it, we both messed up. But come on Nat. you can't block me out forever, I mean you started it." I laughed, hard. What in the hell was this guy going on about?

"I started what? I didn't do anything." He just looked at me. He looked like he was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Eli poked his head in.

"I've got to check your vitals. Unless I'm interrupting something." I shook my head. He walked in. I was curious, how had he become a doctor so fast? So I decided to ask...

"Hey Eli?" He looked away from one of the monitors. "How did you become a doctor so fast?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean so fast?"

"You had like a year or so left when I last talked to you. And it's only been like a couple weeks since I talked to you. I was just wondering how medical school got so quick." He got a concerned look on his face. "I mean I remember Dr. Taylor saying it took him like five years to do medical school." He stepped father towards the bed, he took a light out of his pocket.

"Look at me; I'm going to ask you some questions. Okay?" I nodded. He shined the light in my eyes. "Answer every question to the best of your ability."


"What day is it?"

"I think it's Friday. Maybe Thursday."

"Okay. It is Friday. Now what month." I thought for a second.


"Yes. Now how old are you? And what year is it?" I laughed, what? "Answer the question Natalee."

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